Greyhounds As Pets WA
Our mission is to promote & facilitate greyhound pet ownership to the community through the provision of safe, healthy greyhounds to homes throughout WA. Greyhounds As Pets WA (GAP) is a program of Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA). Our mission is to promote, encourage and facilitate greyhound pet ownership to the wider community through the provision of safe, healthy greyhounds to homes throughout Western Australia.
Racing and Wagering WA is committed to ensuring that the best levels of care are given to greyhounds throughout all stages of their lives, through a program of investment, education, monitoring and regulation. When a greyhound retires from the racing industry, at any age, RWWA will aim to achieve every healthy and behaviourally sound Greyhound being rehomed.
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facebook.comHave you tried agility with your greyhound? It's a great way to exercise your hound both mentally and physically and by the looks of how fast Star zooms around the course it would keep the handler pretty fit as well! 😂 #GreyhoundAgility #GreyhoundWonderDogs
Sampson is flourishing four weeks into his new life! He has become a fast favourite at the Multiple Sclerosis Society - Margaret Doody House in City Beach delighting residents with his happy tail. He has also settled into home life very well and gets on great with both his new doggy brother and the resident cat <3 #HoundLife #GreyhoundsAsTherapyDogs #TherapyDogs #Greyhounds MSWA
Check out Zuta and Doza (black) settling into their forever home <3 We love rehoming bonded pairs, these two are brother and sister from the same litter :) #BondedPair #WhyNotGetTwo #GreyhoundAdoptions
"Nope mum, no room for you!" 😂 Dio (formerly Dossy) has well and truly made himself at home in his Foster-to-Adopt home. #BedHog #GreyhoundAdoptions
Woohoo! Its #FriYay! Zoom into the weekend! #TGIF
Loki would like to remind everyone that our website has lots of useful information on greyhounds, fostering, adopting and complete profiles of all our available dogs. Check it out - #Greyhounds #LoveHounds #GreyhoundsAsPets
Are you looking for a greyhound to join you family? Take a look at these cuties 😍 #GreyhoundAdoptions #Adopt #Greyhounds #GreytPets
Lovely little Staples is settling into her foster home like a dream. She has already become fast friends with the resident greyhound, they love to romp and play around the yard together <3 Whoever is lucky enough to take this sweetie home will have to invest in a clam shell - Staples is a water baby! #FosterGreyhounds #GreyoundAdoptions #HoundLife
#LoveNotes "Just thought we would give you an update of how Rocky (previously Pringles) is getting on. As you can see he has settled in perfectly and loves his new furry cat brother Adi ... Rocky is the most gentle, laid back boy and we all just love him so much 😊 x" #GreyhoundAdoptions #LoveHounds
WANTED: Greyhounds for photo shoot! 📸 Do you live near Bullsbrook? Do you have a greyhound from GAP? Are you available tomorrow (Tuesday 14 November) or Wednesday 15 November at 9 am? If you answered yes, we want to hear from you! Send an email to Photo courtesy of 7 to 1 Photography with Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne
Absolutely adore these photos of your hounds from the Sighthound Club Retired Greyhound category <3 #LoveGreyhounds