H&T Automotive
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Two hard working men😎
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聖誕佳節即將來臨.H&T Automotive團隊在此祝賀大家聖誕與新年快樂! 公休日期請看圖片喔 Team H&T Automotive would like to wish all our customers, friends and their families a very safe and happy Christmas and all the best for 2017! Please find all the holiday notices in the pic
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Truck day
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86 Before&After Noah Yuya Nakazato
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年終慶優惠活動開跑囉 2016接近尾聲了。想必各位都準備要跑長途去跨年了別忘了提早讓你的車保養及全車安全檢查喔! 活動期間11月1日起至12月23日止凡來店"做基本保養打卡分享至facebook及贈空氣濾芯或是汽油精.柴油精"價值30-50元不等錯過了就要在等下次囉!! 想預約盡快拿起你的手機播打 0407-695-789/Hank. 0491129639/Ben. Wondering what all the end of year hype is about? Wonder no more!! It is time to get ready to drop your car to our workshop! If you are having last minute panic about getting your car serviced and checked before starting your wonderful trip for Xmas, take a deep breath and leave the chaos to us During this promotion time if you come to do a service with us and check in on our facebook page, you will either get a free air filter or a petrol/diesel injector cleaner. (Value around $30~$50). Time starts from today towards to the 23rd of December Don't wait around. Pick up your phone and give us a call to secure your booking. Get ready to come around and enjoy! Hank 0407 695 789 Ben 0491129639 Limit stock , booking is essential
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BMW E90 325i 車主原本都是在原廠保養的這次發生了車子不順的情況原廠幫車主換了六隻考耳還是不能後來又拆引擎換了汽缸床墊片還是ㄧ樣沒改善。車主對原廠失去了信心經過友人介紹來到H&T檢查後發現是車子水箱破裂漏水溫度過高導致引擎損傷。經過討論車主決定直接換顆引擎 感謝車主的信賴 如有任何問題歡迎拿起你的手機撥打0407695789/Hank. 0491129639Ben 將有專人為你服務喔。 我們車廠地址:U5/14 Buttonwood Place Willawong QLD 4110
Photos from H&T Automotive's post
ㄧ個緊湊換離合器的步驟 Clutch jobs over these two days
Photos from H&T Automotive's post
禮拜一一早。迎接我們的是2015 Fiat 500。做原廠的一萬五公里的保養。小小的車卻有著不錯的馬力與操控性。 --------------------------------------------------- Monday morning sickness is definitely not for us here. We have the 2015 Fiat 500 doing the logbook service to kick off the week ahead for us
Photos from H&T Automotive's post
By coincidence or car meet up here? Lol. Three Honda Jazz two VW Golf one VW Polo 這是剛好嗎?今天同時有三台本田Jazz/大眾兩台Golf一台Polo 不要忘嘍車子按時保養好重要,凡是來到 H&T Automotive 汽車維修服務中心保養的朋友們,都可獲得【免費全車檢測+詳細車檢報告】,基本保養$85起 不要害羞,拿起電話預約熱線-Hank 0407 695 789 / Ben 0491 129 639. 營業時間禮拜一到五。早上九點到五點。禮拜六十點開始營業 地址 U5/14 Buttonwood Place, Willawong QLD 4110 --------------------------------------------------- Don't hesitate to give us a call~ Booking hotline : Hank 0407 695 789 / Ben 0491 129 639/Paul 0433 112 337 (Korean) Opening hours : Monday-Friday 9am-5:30pm/ Saturday From 10:00am Address : U5/14 Buttonwood Place, Willawong QLD 4110
Photos from H&T Automotive's post
W204車主在加碼。更換原廠c63前對向6活塞後對向4活塞AMG卡鉗。 移植c63卡鉗後面直上。但前卡鉗固定座不同而需要定制轉接座我們幫客人把這問題排處了 裝上後外表及煞車力一並升級了 如有任何改裝問題皆可來店詢問喔
Photos from H&T Automotive's post
一早就有20吋的輪胎要換但還是難不倒我們的💪🏻💪🏻 突然覺得旁邊的胎好小😳 輪胎是直接關係到行車的安全。H&T Automotive 汽車維修服務中心在這提供免費胎壓跟輪胎檢查跟最專業的技術,最有優勢的產品和價格。 各種高大性能輪胎都有現貨供應,價錢低至$70/ea.起「免費更換氣嘴,包含安裝和動平衡校正」歡迎發短信或來電查詢! H&T場內全新設備.顧客休息室還為您提供免費茶水飲料,WIFI,電視,電玩讓您等待期間不再無聊! 請不必猶豫,馬上打電話得到最優惠的方案! 預約查詢電話:0491 129 639 or 0407 695 789(普通話/廣東話/English /Korean) 地址:U5/14 Buttonwood Place Willawong QLD 4110 營業時間:周一至周五 9:00am--5:00pm 周六10am - 4:00pm FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/HT-Automotive-1713732802242694/ 微信服務號:H_T_AUTO