Astronomy & Astrophysics SA
The endeavour of this page is to broaden the reach of Astronomy and Astrophysics. These topics are very exciting to me and important for human futures.
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APOD: 2017 January 22 - SpaceX Falcon 9 to Orbit
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Cassini is being prepared to dive into Saturn. The robotic spacecraft that has been orbiting and exploring Saturn for over a decade will end its mission in September with a spectacular atmospheric plunge. Pictured here is a diagram of Cassini's remaining orbits, each taking about one week. Cassini is scheduled to complete a few months of orbits that will take it just outside Saturn's outermost ring F. Then, in April, Titan will give Cassini a gravitational pull into Proximal orbits, the last of which, on September 15, will impact Saturn and cause the spacecraft to implode and melt. Cassini's Grand Finale orbits are designed to record data and first-ever views from inside the rings -- between the rings and planet -- as well as some small moons interspersed in the rings. Cassini's demise is designed to protect any life that may occur around Saturn or its moons from contamination by Cassini itself. NASA Astronomy
Closest known flyby of star to our solar system: Dim star passed through Oort Cloud 70,000 years ago
What Came Before the Big Bang? |
Theoretical cosmology. This guy Alexander Vilenkin knows what he is talking about is building on the work of Alan Guth. A good read.
New Scientist
This is the best explanation I have heard about Tabby's Star.
Brian Greene
NASA Selects Mission to Study Black Holes, Cosmic X-ray Mysteries
Maybe this could help with the study of Gamma Ray Bursts. GRB's are supposed to come from the interaction of Black Holes and Neutron Stars.
Neil deGrasse Tyson On Life On Other Planets!(MUST WATCH!)