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Sandie's Bowen Therapy

4 Burns Lane, Singleton, Australia
Medical & Health



Bowen therapy is a subtle gentle bodywork therapy where a series of moves are made over muscles that can be used to address a wide range of conditions.
Some of the conditions that bowen can help are
back pain,
neck pain,
jaw pain,
knee,ankle foot problems, bunions ,fascitis,hamstring injuries.
colicky babies,infertility, pregnancy.
There are frequent pauses throughout the session that allow the body time to respond to the moves that have been made.

What is Bowen Therapy-It was developed in 1950 by the late Tom Bowen from Geelong , Australia.It is a gentle form of bodywork where subtle moves are made over muscles and connective tissue or acupressure points in the body sending messages deep into the body ,allowing the body to respond and commence the healing process.

It is recommended to have 3 sessions a week apart but you may find the results from the Bowen so good you may need less and only need maintenance sessions.

The therapy is usually carried out on a massage table or chair depending on your comfort level,you can remain
fully clothed provided you have loose fitting clothing on .

Each session lasts about 40 mins to an hour except babies which is much shorter.


Irlen Central for Help

Irlen Central for Help

As Facebook reminded me I have just celebrated Sandie's Bowen therapy's third birthday today . Its 3 years since opened the shop front which has been a wonderful adventure . I would like to thank all my clients for the wonderful support that I have got over the two years , the laughs, tears and mostly the improvements in both our well being . I love what I do and hope to continue on for many years . Thanks everyone 🍰

Amazing Oils - Organic Magnesium Products

I love the use of magnesium esp Epsom salt baths to relax muscles - here is some info on magnesium

Amazing Oils - Organic Magnesium Products

Health fund claims . I just wanted to let you know that I am registered with most health funds that allow you to claim Bowen therapy ( provided you have the extra cover) as I have the highest accreditation that they require which is a Diploma of specialised Bowen( Bowtech. )Some health funds don't have Bowen on their websites like Bupa / Medibank so you have to manually download a form and either email it or send it with the receipt . So don't miss out on claiming your money if you are entitled to it . If you need another copy of your receipt please email me .

Thinking Minds

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post

Photos from Sandie's Bowen Therapy's post
