CrossFit, Olympic weightlifting, Gymnastics, Strength and conditioning
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS[ Schedule week ending 16th March 2018 ] NO KIDS class tomorrow sorry team! Tom is away with some other work! 18.3 For those still needing to do it tomorrow afternoon 4:30pm. All other classes as normal this week! Wanting to give it a go? Share this post, Tag a friend and click the link below! Start tomorrow after all its Monday!
[ 18.2 at KONG Au ] Week 2 is in the books! - Sweat was lost - Lungs were breathless - Legs were burning - Cheers were heard - PRs were crushed! - ALL the FUN was had!!! Week 3 starts in 20min!
[ February Member of the month ] Name : Amy Toshack (aka Super mum) Amy has been a member at KONG since the day we opened back in July! Since then she has racked up 166 classes to date with on average 5-6 perweek! Amy's hard work and dedication is paying off big time! Lifts are going up, times are going down and the Rx button is starting to wear out! This girl is Strong and picking things up quickly! Amy is definitely a Super mum!, With 2 young kids under 10, a Teenager, Husband who works shift work and working a full time job Amy has somehow mastered life! She is so dedicated to her family she is always doing something fun with her kids and husband in an active way (camping,fishing,riding etc) and she is always doing something whether its Sewing, Gardening, Home improvements, Cleaning, Cooking, School work etc etc the list goes on!! Annnndd she still finds time every day to walk into the gym CRUSH the wod and be home in time for the night routine with the kids! Heres what Amy has had to say about her experience at KONG Au: -What was your goal when you joined KONG Au and do you feel like you’re making progress to achieve them? AMY - My first goal when I joined Kong was to keep an open mind, learn this new sport and allow my self to break out of my old routine and try something different. I've been a member of various gyms doing the same thing for about 12 years. I had goals when I needed to lose baby weight (twice) but usually I've had nothing to aim for as I’ve always maintained a healthy lifestyle. In the last few years I started to lose interest and go less often. Before joining Kong I was averaging 3 days a week and would leave feeling like I had achieved nothing. I hesitated joining crossfit initially because of the misconceptions I'd heard, but I finally tried it & I ended up quitting my gym and joined KONG Au after one trial session. I joined KONG with the intention to put aside what I already knew, (previously a personal trainer) step out of my comfort zone and be coached the techniques and skills properly, I started as the beginner and I’m making my way up. -How long have you been a member and how many times a week do you make classes? AMY - I've been a member since Kong opened in July! I had been recovering from minor surgery and was itching to start while Kong was still preparing to open. I now average 6 sessions a week. What has been your biggest achievement so far (could be a new skill, personal best, aesthetic improvements or mental health)? AMY -About 3 years ago, I had surgery and never regained my pre-op strength. In the last 7 months I've regained that strength and more. I can do unassisted strict pull ups again. My 1 rep max deadlift has increased by 25kg. My 1 rep max power clean has increased by 29kg. Since joining Kong I've learnt movements I've never even tried like; double unders, kipping pull ups & hand stand push ups. I had to google what a snatch was! Now I’m currently participating in The Open and I’m surprised by how much fun it’s been and what I’m capable of achieving. What advice would you give to new members or anyone thinking of give it a go? AMY- It wasn't just the workouts, and the lifting that got my interest, it was the culture & friendships. Crossfit really is something you need to experience yourself to know what everyone is talking about. It isn’t just for the athletic people or people who are already fit. It isn’t competitive (the crossfit games are) but in the gym, everyone is more competitive with themselves than they are with everyone else. It is addictive because you love the way the exercise and encouragement from the group makes you feel!! (When the workout is over of course 😜) the only way you’ll really know, is if you just give it a go
[ This is going to be HUGE!! ] Tag a mate, Share the post, Click GOING! competing or not!
[ SATURDAY NIGHT LIGHTS EVENT ] The 2018 CrossFit Open is going out with a bang! KONG Au is hosting CrossFit Muswellbrook in this epic final throwdown to wrap up the end of a gruelling 5 weeks of competition!! Over 100 competitors across two boxes will be going head to head at KONG Au and celebrating with BBQ and Beers after! Spectators, Family and friends welcome to come and watch and cheer on all the athletes! Vendors will be on site such as Sportspower, ASN, Vaunt lifting and a few more TBD! Kick off 4pm-5pm (Time subject to change depending on the WOD) After your heat crack a cold one and cheer the rest on!! BYO Chairs, Beers and your Game face Its ON at KONG Au!!
[ CrossFit Kids Today 3:345pm ] No need to book in just show up! $5members $10 non-members. Lets teach the kids how to move correctly and build their confidence while having fun!!!
[ 18.2 kicking off tomorrow 8am ] Spectators welcome to come and watch our KONG competitors throwdown!! Cheer them on through a grueling workout and help them lift some heavy weight!!! Its game on at KONG Au!
[ Nick Jones is coming to KONG Au ] -Save the date - Friday April 6 - 7:15pm 21/21 Ryan ave next to the cinemas -Nick Jones founder of Gen-Tec nutrition will be hosting a nutrition and performance Seminar at KONG Au for EVERYONE! (Open for non-members to attend) -Start tagging your gym mates, share the post, spread the word!!
[ CrossFit Kids TODAY 3:45pm ] The Open is on and this young athlete is determined to win! $5members $10 non members per child, no need to book just show up! Anyone can do it! Workouts differ by degree not kind!
[ Re-post ] Cool little video one of our members @ethandot made yesterday of the coaches hitting 18.1! He had it done before we had finished sweating! Hows that for efficiency!
[ CrossFit Kids MONDAY ] 3:45pm at KONG Au 21/21 ryan ave next to cinemas! $5 members $10members per child
18.1 throwdown this morning with our KONG athletes ripping into the Open! For many this was the first time competing in both scaled and Rx divisions and everyone took to the floor like seasoned veterans! Great support from friends,family and members competing or not! Atmosphere and vibe was on point! Loud music, adrenaline and fist bumps all round 💪😎 #KONGAu #MetKONG #hardworkpayingoff #seeyouontheleaderboard