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King Street Public School

8A King Street, Singleton, Australia
Elementary School



Developing a caring environment where innovation leads to strong opportunities through quality teaching.


We would like to wish our Zone Swimming Carnival competitors all the best as they compete in Scone tomorrow. For your information a schedule of events has been provided:

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We are delighted to have 27 students representing our school at the Zone Swimming Carnival which will be held at Scone this Wednesday. Nominated students have been given permission notes to take home today. KSPS Swimming Carnival ribbons will be handed out this Friday at the first of our stage assemblies. The infants assembly will be at 12pm and Primary (with 2/3B) at 1pm. All parents are very welcome to attend.

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One of the options for our students during lunch today was to watch a movie in our air conditioned hall and escape the heat. We are all so grateful to the dedicated P&C volunteers, past and present, who worked for many hours to raise money to build this fantastic facility.

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Beat the heat - Beat the heat

We ask all our families to take care in the heat over the next few days. Some things you can do to help your children cope at school: •Send your child to school with a water bottle (it can be a good idea to freeze the water overnight so it's nice and cold the next day) •Pack a hat in your child's school bag •Apply sunscreen before they head off to school. The following link provides some tips from the Department of Education:

Photos from King Street Public School's post

It's relay time! The competition and sportsmanship today has been first class. Well done everyone!

Photos from King Street Public School's post

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Great day for a carnival! Special shoutout to our fantastic volunteers helping today. You are awesome!

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It's all Gordon in the office this morning! It's going to be a great day.

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Here is a rough timeline for our Swimming Carnival tomorrow: 9.20am- Students leave school as soon as rolls are marked. 9.30am- Students swimming ability assessed and wrist bands given. 10.00am- Competitive races begin. 12.30pm- Races completed. 1.00pm- Novelty activities begin. 2.30pm- Begin transporting students back to school. Please ensure students bring water, food, a hat, sunscreen and wear a shirt. Just a reminder that the Canteen will be CLOSED at school tomorrow. Enjoy the day!

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Photos from King Street Public School's post

Our Kindergarten teachers took advantage of the cooler weather today to take their students outside for some gross motor activities. Of course, like all good athletes, they began with some very important stretching exercises!

Photos from King Street Public School's post

Year 1 have been working with Ms Garven on this fantastic video which introduces our new school mascot 'Tawny'. We know you will enjoy what they have created!

King Street Public School | Sporting Year Begins with a Splash

Just a reminder for our families that all Swimming Carnival notes MUST be returned to school tomorrow (Tuesday). There are spare notes in the office or via our school website. Thank you for your co-operation.

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There are a few important events happening this week we would like to remind our families about: SWIMMING CARNIVAL The carnival will be held on Thursday. Please return your permission notes on Monday. This will assist greatly with organisation. P&C MEETING The first P&C Meeting for 2017 will be held on Monday evening at 6pm in the school library. Everyone is very welcome. PARENT INFORMATION SESSIONS These very important sessions are a great chance to meet your child's teacher and discover what will be happening in the year ahead. Sessions will all begin in the hall at the following times: Infants and 2/3B: Monday 4-5pm Stage 2: Tuesday 4-5pm Stage 3: Tuesday 5-6pm Have a great week!

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