The Christian Family Centre is a contemporary Australian church with a vision to share God’s love with our community. The church has a history of serving the community in variety of ways including visiting those who live alone through our Bridges ministry and helping local groups and homeowners with repairs and maintenance through our 1 in 10 outreach.
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facebook.comCelebrate Easter with us. All welcome! #achurchforallpeople #cfcseaton
Hey church family and friends...It’s Palm Sunday today - the Sunday before Easter. We are continuing our series Why Jesus? by taking a look at what Palm Sunday is all about and making space in our hearts and minds to reflect on the events leading up to Jesus’ death. If you’ve ever wondered why Easter? why Jesus? you are most welcome to come for a visit. See you in church! #achurchforallpeople #cfcseaton
One more sleep till our new 5:30 service kicks off! Our Guest Speaker, Rob Gallagher, is a department chair and associate professor of arts & intercultural studies at Wheaton College, Chicago. Authentic & engaging - he will inspire you to think, discover more about God & encounter Him in a real & personal way. All welcome! #cfcseaton #fivethirtyservice #achurchforallpeople
Have you heard yet? Our CFC Seaton PM service is shifting to 5:30!! Launching this Sunday March 4, Ps Sam & Tanny Chesser & our fantastic team have put their heart & soul into getting things ready. You’re gonna love it!!! #allwelcome #cfcseaton #fivethirtyservice #achurchforallpeople
This Sunday March 4 our PM service launches at a brand new time - 5:30pm. Free barista coffee plus guest speaker Dr Rob Gallagher (Wheaton College, USA) - it’s gonna be so good!! #cfcseaton #achurchforallpeople #fivethirtyservice
If you want to know more about CFC South launching 2018 (and didn’t get a chance to tune in live for Q&A with Ps Tim Lochens) here it is in full👇. Check it out & if you know someone in southern Adelaide who isn’t connected to a church - send them the link! #cfcseaton #cfcsouth #achurchforallpeople
If you live in southern Adelaide and aren’t currently part of a church, check out the live Q&A with Ps Tim Lochens happening tomorrow night...
Last Sunday we heard part #3 of our message series, The Church We Can Be, from Ps Tim Lochens (preaching for the first time across all Sunday services at CFC Seaton since taking long service leave 4 months ago!!!). It was a powerful message on how, with God’s help, we can be genuine followers of Jesus who are credible and relevant in a sceptical and indifferent culture. Here’s 4 take-home truths from Ephesians 4:1-6 that Ps Tim shared with us (and helpful reminders to take into this week!!): Humility = power under control for others’ good; Gentleness = strength under control for a greater purpose; Patience = justice under control because God is so patient with you and me; Forbearance = judgement under control because we are learning to walk with others. You and I can’t produce these qualities by ourself - we need God’s help and He is so ready to give it! Ask Him to help you this week in your daily interactions with others... you may be surprised at the results!! We love Ps Tim & Niki and are right behind them as they launch CFC South with a expanding launch team, in 2018. If you live in southern Adelaide and are not currently connected to a church, check out #cfcsouth #cfcseaton #achurchforallpeople
Hey church fam! Let’s spread the word re our new faith adventure: CFC South. Share this post widely and if you know someone who is not currently connected to a local church in southern Adelaide let them know this live Q & A with Ps Tim Lochens is happening. Encourage them to check it out! Exciting times ahead... #cfcseaton #cfcsouth #achurchforallpeople
2018 is well under way...School starts next week and this Sunday our CFC Seaton church family starts a brand new 5 week series, called The Church We Can Be - across all services!! Jan 28 / Feb 4 / Feb 11 / Feb 18 / Feb 25. All welcome - see you tomorrow! #achurchforallpeople #cfcseaton