Chi Phan Seminars and Counselling
Depression Counselling and Career Guidance.
Help with Depression, Relationships, Grief & Loss, Work & Career Issues
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Allow me to help you bring harmony to your life! chi (ch'i or qi) Ch'i or qi (pronounced "chee" and henceforth spelled "chi") is the Chinese word used to describe "the natural energy of the Universe." This energy, though called "natural," is spiritual or supernatural, and is part of a metaphysical, not an empirical, belief system. New Agers often refer to this energy as subtle energy. Chi is thought to permeate all things, including the human body where it allegedly flows along meridians that are unobservable by even our most powerful machinery. Such metaphysical systems are generally referred to as types of vitalism. One of the key concepts related to chi is the concept of harmony. Trouble, whether in the universe or in the body, is a function of disharmony, of things being out of balance and in need of restoration toequilibrium.
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ARE YOU GETTING THE MONDAY BLUES? Okay, heres a typical working week of a person whos works in a job that they don't like. (And this is just about everyone). The Monday blues kicks in. Although its technically referred to as the Monday blues, these set of troublesome thoughts actually kicking in on Sunday. For early worriers they might start in the late afternoon, and for others if they are lucky, hits them on maybe Sunday evening. This is the dreaded thought of “ shit back to work tomorrow …and a whole week of work before the weekend again.” These thoughts will plague some of you, while for others will find it easier to ignore..... visit
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Feeling DEPRESSED? Get a FREE 30-minute Counselling Appointment visit for more details...
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Career Counselling and Guidance Is your job making you miserable? Do you find yourself clock watching on the job? Do you wait for your day to finish or for the weekend to arrive so you can get away from your work? visit for more details
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Career Counselling and Guidance 5 reasons why you should ditch your job and find your purpose: 1. You spend more than a third of your life working so don’t waste it by doing something less than your purpose. visit for more
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Relationship break- up, divorce or separation Have you lost a significant relationship? Are you feeling alone and depressed? Are you in pain? A relationship breakup is probably one of the worse things I can imagine a person can go
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Why avoiding confrontations can lead to bigger problems...
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5 ways to Maintain a healthy relationship with your partner