Aged Care Placement Services
Choosing aged care for somebody you love is complicated.
Aged Care Placement Services can help you.
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Wow Edna... we love Zumba too!
This Blew My Mind
NSW Police Force
Timeline Photos
Happy New Year from our family to yours! We hope everyone enjoyed last nights festivities!
Good Morning Britain
Retiring and living at home can not only be boring, it can give people a feeling of loneliness which can negatively affect both physical and mental health. It's important to stay active, join social groups, volunteer, relocate to a seniors village. If you don't use it, you lose it.
You're never too old to bust a move! Happy Sunday peeps! 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
Music has power—especially for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. It can spark compelling outcomes even in the very late stages of the disease. When used appropriately, music can shift mood, manage stress-induced agitation, stimulate positive interactions, facilitate cognitive function, and coordinate motor movements.
7 News Sydney
We are definitely living longer... happy 111th birthday Mary
Australian Unions
Good idea Magda...
This little lady has definitely got the moves... 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
Greengate Villages
At St Brigid's Green Art Therapy is loved by residents. Its a great activity and can increase the quality of life for those suffering with a cognitive impairment and become a way of expression, even after other types of communication start to fail. #stbrigidsgreen #greengate
Heathrow becomes world's first 'dementia-friendly' airport
Wow! This is amazing! Heathrow airport will become the first dementia friendly airport with training 76,000 staff members on how to recognize a traveler suffering from dementia or a cognitive impairment. 👏👏