ITFA Taekwon-do Sale is a gippsland based martial arts club located in Sale, Victoria. ITFA Taekwon-do Sale offers traditional self-defence training for all ages.
We offer classes on Tuesday and Wednesday at the following times:sub-junior: 4:45-5:30PMjunior: 5:30-6:30PMsenior: 6:30PM-8:00PM
The ITFA is an independent organisation founded by Master Andrew K H Rhee, under the patronage of First Grand Master Rhee Ki Ha (FGMR), Taekwon-Do Pioneer. The ITFA aims to standardise the Art under the guidance of FGMR (First Grand Master Rhee Ki Ha, the worlds highest authority in Taekwon-Do).
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facebook.comITFA International Instructor Course April 2017 (Taekwon-Do)
To register for the ITFA IIC on 8/9th April 2017, click on the link below. Early bird rates available until Friday 10th March 2017!
Timeline Photos
Don't forget that Classes are back on tonight starting at 4:45 pm at the Ibis Conference and Events Centre!
ITFA Taekwon-Do Sandgate
ITFA Taekwon-Do Sale's cover photo
Timeline Photos
An amazing weekend of Taekwon-do! Starting off with a Master class with Senior Master Rhee, 8th dan, imparting knowledge to a group of enthusiastic ITFA Sale students, the event was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by all in attendance. The event finished with with the The presentation of the first ever student of the year to award Cooper Beckman! This was then followed by one-on-one tuition for Instructor, Mr. Adam Collins, 2nd dan. The weekend was finished off today with the last ITFA Sale Grading for the year, with 16 students successfully passing their grading! A big thank you to all those that assisted with the event, especially the management at the Princeton Function & Events Centre, and all senior students, and their parents that attended to help with some of the students that were grading. As always a very big thank you to Senior Master Andrew Rhee for travelling to regional victoria and back again, conducting a very informative Master Class and grading the ITFA Sale students! #itfataekwondosale #itfataekwondo #itfa #itfagrading #taekwondo #itfapromotions
Timeline Photos
A big thank you to Senior Master Andrew Rhee for conducting a Master Class for all ITFA Sale students today. Your time and knowledge was greatly appreciated and I am certain that all students learnt something new! #itfataekwondosale #itfataekwondo #itfa #itfagrading #taekwondo #itfapromotions
#ITFA #taekwondo #dojang #itfahq #blackbelt #itfadojang #sydney via
ITFA International Instructor Course & Colour Belt Seminar Dec 2016...
Term 4 starts tomorrow night! Time to start working towards the end of year grading!!!!
ITFA: International Taekwon-Do FGMR Associates
ITFA: International Taekwon-Do FGMR Associates
ITFA: International Taekwon-Do FGMR Associates