GI Jane PT & Fitness
GI Jane specialises in functional fitness training, preparing your body…for life ”A close relationship exists between physical fitness and mental and emotional fitness, or morale. Fatigue, weakness, lack of stamina, and physical exhaustion are usually associated with a low state of morale. The rugged, tough, well-conditioned soldier (individual) has a feeling of fitness and confidence, and is much less susceptible to many of the factors which undermine morale. …’ U.S Army Field Manual: Physical Training, January 1946
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facebook.comWhen life hands you lemons...squeeze and zest them over par-boiled potatoes rolled in a little olive oil, salt and lots and lots of chilli, then bake until crispy and golden! #latelunch #saltycrunchysnacks #carbsforthewin
When’s the best time to train - morning, afternoon or evening? As with most things fitness and health-related, there’s a wealth of ( sometimes conflicting) information on this topic. Some studies state that early-morning exercise will help you burn more calories and use energy more efficiently throughout the day, others recommend working with the body’s circadian rhythms ( your body clock) for best results. And then there are those who believe that evening is optimal for exercising if you want a deep, restful night’s sleep while your metabolism cranks on ( albeit more slowly than during the day). Personally, I like an early morning training session but, with my job, I don’t get to be choosy - my own training gets sandwiched in whenever I can schedule it during the day! So my body’s had to get used to exercising at the oddest times, and you know what? It still works! Have a think about your day - are you able to get up an hour earlier to exercise? Can you get to the gym at lunchtime or after work without too much disruption to your other commitments? If you leave your training til evening time, are you likely to skip it altogether?? Everyone can find 30-45 minutes in their day to exercise but, if you’re focused and disciplined in your training it doesn’t really matter what time that is. It should be whatever time works for you, for your preferences, your commitments, YOUR life. Don’t let anyone tell you different
...or when Monday hits you hard... #everydamnday #reinventyou #trainyourbodyforlife
This is why I’m not an insta star! #sistersinsweat Love my Saturday training buddy - she’s a fantastic motivator and makes me laugh the whole time. Get yourself one just like her! #reinventyou #everydamnday #gibuddytraining
Seriously. And you can have it right back! Credit unknown
New-move Wednesday #97 - taught me by my colleague Renee ( God love her 😐) and named The Leapfrog by Team GI! Not quite a burpee, not quite a jump squat, it challenges upper body, core, legs and ( if you do enough of them) lungs! The keys here are 1/ keeping your spine long, strong and straight in the jump-out, by contracting every single core muscle you have ( including ALL the glutes) and 2/ taking feet wide for the jump-in so you can keep your butt down, squat low and hold it for a sec, with chest and head up. Yes, my video technique needs work, but you get the idea. Try 5 x 10 of these and let me know how they feel for you! #everydamnday #reinventyou #trainyourbodyforlife
As an avid procrastinator, this is a fantastic quote to live by. Especially useful for when you need to get into the gym! #everydamnday #trainyourbodyforlife
Monday’s a great day to do something new...or re-ignite your passion for something you’ve done before. Do it with purpose, do it with energy. Do it every damn day! #everydamnday #reinventyou #trainyourbodyforlife
Fuel up, folks!
Flashback Friday! One of the most rewarding things about my job is hanging out with great people and doing fun stuff all in the name of work. Love it or hate it, the mud at last year’s RAW Challenge was the glue that bonded us together...we started and finished as a team, and even the hard bits were made easier knowing that someone ( actually many someones) always had your back! #stuckinthemud #gibuddytraining #trainyourbodyforlife
‘Practice puts brains in your muscles’ - Slammin’ Sammy Snead, professional golfer. Yes, yes it does. And the more you practice, the brainier they’ll be!
Just a thought for your Wednesday Image via Fitomatic