Strengths based counselling in your own home.
Specialist counselling for children and teens.
Mental health specialist.
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Managing dynamics in the school yard can be really challenging. Bystanders are most influential in preventing mean behaviour. THiNK iT OUT workshops help kids challenge unhelpful thinking, understand each other, grow empathy and most importantly empower and upskill the bystander to act. Check out my workshops for in-school or private events
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An arrow can only by shot by pulling it backwards. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.
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I had the pleasure of running a team building workshop for an awesome U9 netball team last weekend. What great girls and what a cohesive team after 1 1/2hrs of fun!!! Enjoy round 1 girls!!
Smiling Mind
A great way to begin daily mindfulness with children...
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Mindfulness in action... The Smiling Mind App is a great way to get kids into mindfulness...guided daily mindfulness [for all ages]
Catalyst - 08/03/2016: Music on the Brain
This is truly amazing...the power of music to tap into memories. I've always attached memories to music and vice-versa, but the direct mood impact on those with Dementia and Parkinson's is astounding. Well worth the watch..
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Happy International Women's Day to all women, and the girls out there who will watch them and become the strong women of the world
How two minutes of mindfulness can calm a class and boost attainment
Wouldn't it be great if schools taught this important life they can always tap in to...
Quote of the Day from Little Miss 7 y.o. "people should not be worried to make mistakes. Mistake are learn stuff from them"
I've just arranged a clinical practice workshop with Robert Pereira - highly regarded expert on Bullying Prevention - 4-5th April at headspace Gosford...get in touch via email to come along...