Naturopath restoring your health and vitality naturally. Let me guide you to optimum health.
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Muckadilla Pasture-Fed Eggs
I am so very excited to share that there is now LOCAL free range eggs available! Available at Lemon Grove Produce and at the RSL Markets. These are REAL free range eggs.
Costa Georgiadis Official
This is amazing! Who wants one??
Timeline Photos
Look at this delicious QLD blue pumpkin from Lemon Grove Produce all ready to get cooked for a roast pumpkin salad. Yum! Did you know QLD blues are an Australian heirloom variety? That means they're a good ole Aussie variety that hasn't been hybridised. So its just as nature intended it and it's local to us! Truly the meaning of eating local.
Bootcamp HQ
Many of my massage clients will be familiar with this stretch, but if you aren't you need to be doing it 😆 I've not had any client that didn't have some degree of muscle tightness in their glutes (for those who don't know, it's your butt). This stretch is great to release sciatic issues particularly. Do it daily, do it multiple times a day.
Anytime Fitness Toowoomba
Please watch this video! Show your sons and daughters this video. We all need to take a leaf from this woman's book
Recycle in Roma
Janelle Burns My first goal is to raise $100 to receive my rations for the week (becase eating something would be amazing!) I'm HALF WAY to this! Please donate to sponsor me. What will this money actually give someone? $144 will feed a refugee for 6 MONTHS!! so what might seem like a very small amount to us is actually keeping someone alive for 6 months! Please sponsor me, every little bit counts 😊
Janelle Burns
I will be taking part in the Ration Challenge to raise money for Syrian refugees. People just like you and me that have lost everything and struggling to survive. So while I'm starving, give a donation to fill a hungry belly in Syria! Below is the Ration pack just the same as the refugees get that I will be living on for a whole week! Rice 420g Lentils 170g Dried chick peas 85g Tinned sardines 125g Tinned kidney beans 400g Oil 300ml Donate today any little bit helps! #rationchallenge
The Mindful Life