Build Fitness
Build Fitness - a gym that can be accessed 24/7 by all workers at The Construction Training Centre. In March 2016, CTC launched Build Fitness - a gym that could be accessed 24/7 by all workers at CTC.
Build Fitness builds on other worker well-being initiatives implemented by CTC such as group fitness sessions, health screening, healthy options at the cafe and quit smoking support. These are provided FREE to all workers at the Centre. We are committed to adding value to the traditional tenant/landlord relationship in light of the health risks associated with increasingly sedentary lifestyles.
Membership is open to CTC tenants and their staff members. To become a member you pay an annual amenity fee (currently $60), be assessed by a personal trainer as suitable to use the gym and participate in a gym induction.
Research has shown that corporate health programs bring physical, mental and emotional benefits to employees as well as long-term financial benefits for the employer.
Employers are required to provide a safe and healthy workplace for their workers. Much of the focus is about safety. However, the distinction between work and non-work related illness and disease is becoming less clear. Broadening the scope of workplace health and safety to include health and well-being can provide significant benefits to business and safety performance.
Build Fitness assists our tenant partners to provide healthy lifestyle opportunities and services for everyone in their workplace - at no cost to their business.
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All of us at CTC wish you & your family peace & love this Christmas Day. May your world be filled with warmth & good cheer today & throughout the year.
Spicy BBQ fish with mango salad
Healthier. Happier.
Delicious, fresh and healthy!
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Phil's looking very smug after Katie The Balanced Nutritionist points out that although he hadn't lost as much weight as he hoped, he's lost body fat and gained muscle mass after the 30 day nutrition challenge. How did you go? #nutritionchallenge #bioscan
Recipes | Build Fitness
Katie, The Balanced Nutritionist has suggested a repository for healthy recipes that members come across. I have uploaded some of Katie's to the Build Fitness website. If you have some to share, send them to me and I'll upload yours too!
Lower Carbohydrate High Healthy Fat Diets (LCHF) | Build Fitness
Katie King's talk today was about carbohydrates in the diet. If you missed it, you can read her blog post on our website.
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Do you know how many teaspoons of sugar are in that can of soft drink, or in your low calorie yoghurt? You'd be surprised! Read Katie's blog post about what to look for when reading food packaging labels. #sugar #nutrition
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Great turnout for the opening session of our 30 Day Wellness Challenge with Katie, The Balanced Nutritionist. It shouldn't be too difficult,Just Eat Real Food! #JERF #buildfitnesschallenge
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We're excited about our 30 Day Workplace Wellness Challenge kicking off next Monday with The Balanced Nutritionist. #WellnessWednesday
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Thank you for participating in our Safety Quiz last week. The answer to Friday's question is: PCBU means Person in Charge of a Business or Undertaking. CEO Phil Diver returned from holiday today in time to draw the winner's name. Congratulations Ash Powers from Master Painters - we'll get the $50 iTunes card to you shortly!
Healthier. Happier.
Simple and healthy - perfect for a nutritious lunch for work!