Today's Child provides
* High quality Family Day Care (0-12years)
* Fun, enriching Resilience Life Coaching Program (8-12years)
My name is Nikki Hanley. Have a strong background in child care with over 25 years’ experience. I have 2 children aged 10 and 12 years who are my life and light, they are the inspiration behind Today’s Child. Before I was married, I worked in child care centres and managed a before and after school care program. Once I had my own family, I supported my husband in his web business. After many years, my desire to work with children was so over whelming, that I decided to return to the child care industry, and as a result, I have established a Resilience Coaching Program for kids and a Family Day Care Service. When working with children, I have aIways had the mindset, “I don’t work to live, I live to work”, with a strong passion for empowering children to reach their fullest potential.
Over the years I have always had a desire to learn. Throughout the years I have furthered my education with some of the following:
• Diploma in Children’s Services 0 – 5 years
• Meditation for Children’s Course
• Mindfulness for Children
• Introductory to NLP training
• Crystal Healing Course
• Essential Oils Training
• Working with Children
• Federal Police Clearance
• Current First Aid Certificate
• Asthma Management
• Anaphylaxis Management
TODAY'S CHILD FAMILY DAY CARE provides a high quality home based care in a respectful, safe and nurturing environment for children 0 – 12 years.
During care, I ensure there are choices available based on the children’s ideas, interests, strength, abilities and skills, through observations and documentation. It is recognised that children learn through play and environments are provided that invite open ended interactions and play while encouraging spontaneity, risk taking, exploration, discovery, wonder, self-identity and independence.
Today’s Child Family Day Care is registered with Eastern Region Family Day Care Services with an EXCEEDING National Quality Standard Rating.
Our kids are embarking on a great journey - the journey of their life! Only they can take this journey. We can’t take it for them. Their teacher can’t take it for them. Their friends can’t take it for them. Only they can take it. We can however, support them.
Our Coaching provides tools and strategies that will empower children to become leaders of their own lives. Teaching children to take full responsibility for their journey and for creating a life of their dreams, developing the skills needed to turn their dreams into actions.
In our programs, kids learn critical life skills for developing strong self-esteem and powerful self-confidence; overcoming challenges such as fear, self-doubt, disappointment, and change; how to manage mistakes, failures and peer pressure; they learn how to create a vision for their lives, achieve their goals, and use Law of Attraction tools to manifest their dreams. The program is designed to be easy, fun, and help create action. It is a fun life coaching program for empowering kids.
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facebook.comHumor Viral
True happiness.
It Takes 5 Minutes to Relieve Stress With This Japanese Technique
I've not tried this, but think it maybe something simple we can teach our kids.
Paracetamol for paediatric fever: The facts.
Paracetamol and fevers - some useful information
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I found this on FB a few years back and saved it for when my children ask that dreaded question about Santa. I used it a couple of years ago with my oldest son and it opened up a beautiful discussion. I may only have one more year with my youngest son, but when he is ready, I know where to find this gorgeous letter. Just wish I knew who the author was so I can express my gratitude.
7 News Sydney
Do you have any bottles of children's Panadol?
Nymboida Natural's
Look what is on the way to our Day Care - can't wait to use them with the kids
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Looking for hassle free care for your children over the school holidays? Limited places are available, so book in quick.
16 phrases your child won't take the way you meant them
Our words are very powerful, choose what you say carefully
VACANCIES still available for 2017. We are taking enrolments now and places are filling up fast.
Un regalo para toda la vida
Music and Art - I love it 💜💜💜
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It may only be small for you, but to our kids it means the world - take the time
Early Childhood Australia
Love this. Worth a read