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Raymond Terrace Osteopathy 4987 6899

6 King St, Raymond Terrace, Australia
Professional Service



Osteopaths address joint, neck and back pain with safe, effective, hands on treatment.


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Free First Osteopathic Treatment For people who have not been treated in our clinic before, we’d like to show you what we do and how we can help with a Free First Treatment. We treat acute, recurring and chronic muscle, joint and back pain. We assess and address problems from an osteopathic perspective, which is very different from chiro, physio or massage. We assess the flexibility of joints, the alignment of bones and the suppleness and balance of muscles. Both individually and as a whole. We then mobilize stiff joints, realign misaligned bones and release muscular tension and imbalance, and overall patterns of strain. Simple really but the effect can be profound! We then generally teach some easy, specific stretches, based on what we have found. These stretches are on DVD or an Apple App so you can refer back to the video as often as you like. When you call to make an appointment be sure and tell Julie or Liza-Marie that this is the Facebook Special. Further treatments are $95 or $75 for concessions, for 30 to 40 minutes of our undivided attention, with health fund rebates, if covered. Most of the problems we deal with are sorted in 1, 2 or 3 treatments. It depends how bad it is, how long it has been there, and what, if any, damage or degeneration has been done. There is no obligation to have any more treatments, this is designed to be an introduction to how we work and demonstrate how effective we can be. Check us out! We are at 6 King St Raymond Terrace 4987 6899 See you soon, Dane and Bruce

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Best Stretch Ever

Best Stretch Ever? This may be THE single best stretch a person can do! It’s one of my absolute favourites to do and to teach. It’s great as an everyday, stay loose stretch, and it’s brilliant at addressing pain in the feet, knees, hips, sacroiliac joints, low back, upper back, ribcage, shoulders and neck. I get almost all of my patients to do it because I keep seeing just how incredibly well it works. Really pay attention to all the details, and how it actually feels while you are stretching. It’s your body. FEEL how it feels! Do this stretch for a few minutes 1, 2 or a few times a day, and be delighted with how great it feels and how well it works! Get the Great Stretches App If you are on Apple and want to get the Full Version of my stretching app for Free, with these and many other cool stretches, and some great features to improve your results, tap here or go to the App Store and search great stretches or bruce sutton. Download the free version of the App and when you register, then put the letters FB after your name so I will know to upgrade you to the full version - usually within 24 hours. Use the app and do the stretches for a few days and if you like it, I would really appreciate it if you rate it in the App Store! (Android coming soonish). If doing some of these stretches sorts out the problem, great stuff, you now know how to help yourself, keep it up! If it doesn't help, or helps but doesn’t fix it, come in so we can fully assess and treat what is causing the pain and stiffness. Treatment is for 30 mins and costs $95 or $75 for concessions We are at 6 King St Raymond Terrace 49 876 899 Stay strong and loose, Dane and Bruce

Best Stretch Ever

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Our newest osteo, Dane Reid has undergone his graduation ceremony recently, receiving his "Master of Osteopathic Medicine" degree after 5 years of training. Dane has been mentored by Bruce throughout his training so has a similar treatment style. Dane is now working on FRIDAYS and does LATE APPOINTMENTS during the week for those who can't make it during office hours. Dane is the first Raymond Terrace local to become an osteopath! So if you've been getting some winter stiffness and soreness or just feel like a tune up, come in and give our new guy a try!

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Tight Calves Cause Back Pain

Tight Calves Cause Back Pain Doing calf stretches is a fantastically great way to reduce and better manage or completely eliminate knee, hip and back pain. Almost everybody’s right calf is bigger, stronger and tighter than their left. This imbalance means there is a constant tendancy to bend the right knee more than the left. We don’t feel it because it is there all the time. When it happens, it makes the pelvis roll forward and down on the right and out on the left. This in turn makes the lower spine tilt and turn to the left. Stand up and try it now. Exaggerate the movement to really see and feel what I mean. Try it in front of a mirror. The pelvis and spine are no longer properly aligned. This can cause strain in the joints and strain causes pain. Simple as this may seem, it can have a huge effect on chronic or recurring back pain. And the solution is also simple. Stretch those calves! When your back is sore stretch them frequently! Start and finish on the tighter side, which for almost everybody, is the right. We want to balance them out as well as stretch them, so stretch the right calf more than the left. This is especially useful if you are on your feet a lot or spend a lot of time sitting down. If this sorts out the problem, great stuff, keep stretching! If it doesn’t fix it, consider coming in so we can fully assess and treat what is causing the problem, and recommend other specific stretches. We are at 6 King St Raymond Terrace 49 876 899 Stay loose, Dane and Bruce

Tight Calves Cause Back Pain

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Osteopaths Treat Joint and Back Pain Most knee, hip, neck and back pain is caused by stiff joints, misaligned bones and tight, unbalanced muscles. Anyone who has acute, recurring or chronic pain, needs to see an osteopath! We mobilize joints, realign bones and release muscular tension, imbalance and strain. Simple really, but the effect on pain can be profound! It doesn't matter if there's been an injury like a fall, a bad lift, a car accident, or from playing sport, or if the cause of the pain is unknown, (which is often the case), we can probably help. But it's not just what we can do for our patients pain and mobility, it's also what they can do to help themselves with stretching. But not just any old stretches. We teach our patients stretches that address the stiff joints, misaligned bones and tight, unbalanced muscles that are causing or contributing to their pain. These stretches are based on what we do in the clinic, and they can be super effective, especially for recurring or chronic pain. They are simple, quick and easy and on video - DVD or Apple app. With a combination of treatment and stretching we have an excellent success rate of reducing and better managing or completely eliminating pain. So give us a call, come and see Bruce or Dane and see if we can get these problems sorted!

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