2016 Nyrstar Port Pirie Tennis International Protour
Port Pirie Tennis Association with Nyrstar and Port Pirie Regional Council are holding the 25th annual International Protour event, 20-28 Feb 2016
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The 'Blue' carpet arrivals at the John Newcombe medal tonight. Lots of faces familiar to Port Pirie fans. And look! Lleyton and Bec are still together!!
Timeline Photos
There's no crying in tennis they say... But we know you will be sad to hear that our courts need some work, so unfortunately the Pro-tour won't be coming back to Port Pirie in 2017. We are grateful to the players who have enjoyed our event and we'll miss you this summer! Thank you also to our supporters, sponsors and volunteers who keep giving generously and working tirelessly to make our tournament happen. We've got some hard work to do and just hope we get to see you back again in 2018! #tennissa #portpirie #pirieprotour
Former Champ Matty Barton still going strong :D
Timeline Photos
Acknowledging our fantastic sponsors - without their support our event just can't happen! Support these local businesses :)
Congratulations Mathew Barton!
So many people contributed to this event being amazing - we could not have done it without you!
2016 Nyrstar Port Pirie Tennis International Protour's cover photo
Volunteers' Day - Port Pirie Tennis International
WOW - The 2016 Nyrstar Port Pirie Tennis International Protour tournament is over for another year and what a fantastic success it was! We could not have done it without our strong and willing band of volunteers, so please bring the family along to Lauren & Paul's house to enjoy some pizza, backyard games and a few drinks together. Please BYO bathers, chairs, and drinks. RSVP Friday April 1. Lauren 0448 235565
鮎川真奈/Ayukawa Mana/プロテニスプレイヤー
Congratulations Jessica and Olivia, doubles champs in Mildura!
ITF Tennis - Pro Circuit - $25,000 Mildura - 29 February - 06 March 2016
Good luck to the doubles finalists in Mildura today! Mana Ayukawa and Yuuki Tanaka will be tough competition for Jessica Wacnik and Olivia Tjandramulia at 3pm followed by our champions Alex Bolt and Andrew Whittington taking on Marc Polmans and Steven De Waard. Singles QF start from 10am, check out the ITF page to follow the matches! http://www.itftennis.com/procircuit/tournaments/women's-tournament/info.aspx?tournamentid=1100036580
Saturday Feb.27 - Day 8 - Semi-Finals
Sunday Feb 28 - Day 9 FINALS