KATFIT - Training, Nutrition, Transformation
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facebook.com🔴 Katfit Session 5 - Fitball One Arm Dumbbell Row 🔴 The one-arm dumbbell row is a great exercise to develop strength in the back, the posterior shoulder region and the arms. Balancing on the fit ball adds a high demand on core stability.
The Kettlebell Clean and Press combines two excellent Kettlebell exercises into one fluid movement, allowing you to work most muscles of the body as well as putting significant demands on your cardiovascular system.
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WHAT A LEGEND! I just love this girl, she is one very awesome, determined young lady. Lisa finished night shift at 7.30 am and was totally smashing out one hell of a session by 8 am! What an inspiration! #noexcuses
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I’d like you all to welcome the very beautiful Kelly Savvides! Kelly is one of KATFITS newest members and has just completed her first week of FIRE! This girl knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to get it! Kelly is giving herself the best chance at achieving her goals by incorporating the life changing MP Nutrition course into her program. You have been absolutely amazing this week Kelly, it is so exciting to work with someone as dedicated and driven as you and we are very lucky to have you as part of our team.
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This girls is unstoppable!!! An absolutely AMAZING effort again today Lisa! You are a machine and I am so incredibly proud of you! With your awesome determination and your fabulous attitude you will achieve what ever you set your mind to. Just love having you a part of the KATFIT team.
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The NEW I.C.E Timetable! So many options! 13 Sessions over 5 days each week, early mornings, mid morning and afternoon/evening sessions.
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I would like you all to welcome Maggie to KATFIT! Maggie was absolutely smashing her first ICE session this morning @ 5.15 am while many people were still tucked up in a warm cosy bed! Congratulation Maggie YOU WERE AMAZING! http://www.katfit.com.au/services/ice-group-training
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Just days until spring, and before you know it the Christmas holiday’s will be here. Time to start shedding all that clothing! Time to get back in shape! GREAT NEWS - F.I.R.E The Body Shaper Is Back! Our final F.I.R.E program for 2016 starts Monday 29th August. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR GOAL, F.I.R.E IS ESSENTIAL IN ANY FITNESS PROGRAM. Fire is a science based approach to exercise and is designed to maximize results in health, fitness and body shape. FIRE turns your metabolism into a fat burning furnace. If you want to really hit those body composition goals, then FIRE training must be in your program. This is your last chance to be part of my next and final program for 2016. If you want to shape up for summer message me now for more details. http://www.katfit.com.au/services/FIRE-the-body-shaper
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Katfit Open Day
Metabolic Precision - mp-body.com