St Thomas's Anglican Church
Convict built St Thomas's Anglican Church is in the heart of Port Macquarie CBD.
Visitors are most welcome.
St Thomas's Anglican Church is an exceptionally busy church, with it's members using their gifts and talents to teach and refine others. Community minded, we have a Soup Kitchen that is staffed by volunteers from our congregation as well as our locals; Tuesday Healing Service and Wednesday Communion Service in The Chapel; Third Thursday each month we host Friendship Morning for our nursing home friends.
We have ladies who are artisans with a needle and thread, turning out amazing needlework that needs to be seen to be believed!
Have you looked around our White House Emporium Op-shop?
Once you see the building, come and see the church!
Tell your friends
facebook.comNot sure if my last post was published, so here it is again.... In 14 days, this page will be deleted. For future information on what's happening in and around the Anglican Parish of Port Macquarie, pleas visit the website . Thanks and blessings. Admin.
He is here, the Saviour has been born, the one we've waited for....Hallelujah!
Mary did you know that your baby boy would someday walk on water? Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters? Did you know that your baby boy is heavens perfect plan? This child that you are holding ..... is the great I Am! (Extract from 'Mary Did You Know?' By Mark Lowry and Buddy Greene)
Don't forget to check out our website, www.port for all our Christmas activities. Shaping up to be a great month of celebrating Jesus birth!
Embrace Your Season Conference 2017 was a great success.... hop on over to our website and check out the photos! If you missed this one, be sure to keep an eye out for next year's dates!!
Great talk this morning from a young minister. He had a real sword!! Anything can happen at church!! 😊 Blessings 🙏
Embrace Your Season Conference For more information visit our website at
Embrace Your Season Conference.... Goto for more information 😉