Malachite Moon
Malachite moon is a Newage/gift shop that sells crystals,jewellery,books,candles,soaps & natural products...
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Our cards Flipped over ☺️
Ok here we go! Card 1. Time to Go.. This card means what it says! There are Endings, completion And simply walking away from what no longer is needed! This is a good card! As it simply means you have completed a part of your journey... Even though nothing truly ends. It just shifts & changes to suit our growing needs! Change is good, it brings new beginnings.. Even if we don't like change, it's something that must happen for us to evolve & grow! Feel blessed at this time, because you have achieved a great deal up to this point! Take stock,be proud of what you've learnt.. But it's definitely time to experience new challenges.. Or you can do at this time is be in the present Moment ready for the chapter of your life to begin☺️ Card 2.. Treasure Island Wow the Law of Attraction Turtle! He brings dreams into fruition.. Positive thinking & planning has come full circle into soon becoming a reality! Finances should begin to improve.. You've been working hard that's for sure! And it's about to change in a good way .. So stay tuned.. Good times are ahead! 😉 Card 3... New life New beginnings, growth opportunities! New energy is coming through, meeting new people, starting new ventures..& new relationships or positive changes within existing relationships! This is a very auspicious card! It's a great sign from upstairs to go ahead with new ideas..renewed enthusiasm ,success! All is well in my world' should be your new Mantra! Fantastic new times ahead.. Yah! 😊 Well there you go! Great happy positive cards this week which is nice.. I hope you all have a great weekend & the month of February brings sunshine & new positive times ahead.. 😉Nik..️xx
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Here's our Friday/weekend cards! Pick 1,2 or 3 starting from the left & I'll be back later on with our Reading..😊
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Quote of the Arvo😊
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Quote of the Arvo..😉 How true is this.. We often get so bogged down in all the mundane everyday have to's that we forget to have Fun!😊
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Just come home .. From getting my photo taken with Captain Pat & Tracey-lee & Janine Louise & the clever Issac. Ready to go in the paper to advertise.. For our 'Mystic 5' show at Inglebern RSL on the 19th feb! We will all be doing platform readings on the night..Issac will be playing his guitar.. All funds go to support getting youth off our streets.. Tickets are $30..
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Quote of the Day..☺️ Wouldn't it be nice.. One extra day..
Here we go.. Card 1. Yin This is a time of calculated Receptivity,letting someone else make the next move.. Collecting information, taking hints.. It's the Art of Allowing things to be, And happen as they should without intervention. There are changes coming, Yin brings the feeling to allow things to flow! Also making space for miracles to appear, It's a real feeling of : Be the "Shaped not the Shaper" And you will begin to see how much will change,grow & manifest in the not too distant future..a time for great things & personal Growth! Card 2.. No place like home Our home should feel safe, It should be a place that you can have joy.. Feel peace, Feel comfortable When we pull this card out.. It's not just about our physical home.. It's about feeling good in your own skin! So often we do things to please others, Without considering what it is we truly need.. Feeling comfortable & safe! Having that personal space that we can call home is very important at this time.. Having loved ones around us. Animals give us a real sense of us & who we are.. They are great judge of characters... They know when we're down or not feeling ourselves.. They are one example! Spending time at home.. Being comfortable whether it be at home.. Or in our skin without trying to please.. Or be someone that were not.. Just be.. It's important to do this, without any explanations! Card 3... Fork in the Road Ok it's really time to make a decision isn't it..? Considering all your options & possible consequences.. Owning up to your obligations to make the necessary choice! Every choice you make will always have a consequence! You've arrived at a fork in the Road! And spirit is pushing you to make a decision.. Will things improve by turning left..? Or turning right..? Will you follow others before you.,? Or will you take the lead & make your own choice! Circumstances will present themselves either way.. But ultimately the choice is yours.. And no one can make it but you., Stop stalling.. It's simply putting off the inevitable! However please take heart,as no matter which path you will lead you to exactly where you are meant to be in that exact moment.. And all will be well in your world.. Even if it doesn't make sense, have faith, faith in your decision & the moment that presents itself! Well.. There we go.. There is our reading , my apologies for the delay... I've had a lot of technology issues of late.. Which effects my ability to get pics on here .. I'm not too savy with technology.. But I'm getting better... I wish you all a great weekend.. That's restful.. Nik..️xx ☺️
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Our cards..pick 1,2 or 3 and I'll be back later on tonight with our Reading!😊
I haven't forgotten about our Friday weekend Reading., I will post the pic of cards later on today.. So stay Tuned! 😊
Photos from Malachite Moon's post
Crystal of the Week..😉 "Selenite' Would have to be one of my favourite crystals.. It has such a soothing calming energy! Not only is it calming, it's highly protective.. And Magical! It opens and activates the third eye chakra and Crown chakra.. Selenite wands are awesome for healers.. Or for beginners as their energy is strong yet gentle.. It clears negativity from ones body or when a piece is placed in an environment.. Selenite is an Amplifier of energy.. Positive energy! Great for meditating with..great for building protection grids in the home,great to hold when stressed or fatigued, even just placing a tumblestone in your pocket..will begin to lift you & your mood! And it can do much more...
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Quote of the Arvo..☺️