We offer day and evening low cost Group training, the BEAT IT Diabetes lifestyle program (with continuation sessions), Thump Boxing and senior sessions.
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Hi everyone just an update groups start back Tuesday 26th
Boxing tonight 6-7 pm $5
Congratulations Deidre, Wayne, Lesley and Leif you smashed the HIIT session tonight
Photos from Forever Active Fitness & Personal Training's post
Wednesday 7.45 group enjoying the cooler weather
Timeline Photos
Full moon after a great workout
New group timetable available. Boxing Monday 6 pm now $5 please call if you plan to attend. Wednesday 6 pm HIIT (high intensity interval training) also $5. Other groups unchanged. Don't forget no sessions Easter Monday. Happy Easter to all
Don't forget express cardio session tonight 6 pm
Something new tonight 6 pm high intensity cardio session. Come and try it, only 30 to 40 minutes for a great calorie burn.
Photos from Forever Active Fitness & Personal Training's post
15 people braved the high temperatures with over 90% humidity today. Due to a scheduled power outage no fans So boxing on the tennis court it was for most of the group
Timeline Photos
What's happened this week, everyone trying to work off Christmas? Well done Wednesday morning group, you all worked hard in our boot camp style session.
Don't forget our first walk for 2016. Bullocky Rest 10am Friday followed by lunch at Warner Tavern 12 midday. Hopefully it will stay cooler for us.
Timeline Photos
Cloudy today able to play on the grass.