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Doubleview Primary School

203 St Brigids Terrace, Perth, Australia



This page is managed by the administration of DPS to inform and notify parents and P&C members of events and news happening in and around the school.  Thank you for connecting with us on the Doubleview Primary School Facebook page.
Doubleview Primary School is located in the North Metropolitan Education Region and offers a comprehensive education for children from Kindergarten to Year 6.
The school has a strong academic focus and offers specialist programs in Music, Physical Education and Languages (Japanese). Staff are motivated and dedicated to providing an environment where students are both supported and challenged to achieve their full potential.
Parents and the school community are valued partners at Doubleview Primary School and continue to provide support to staff and students, guaranteeing a vibrant learning community.
Our school's Facebook page allows our community to stay up to date with school activities through a medium preferred by an increasing number of people. Accessing and commenting on the Doubleview Primary School Facebook page indicates you have read, understood and accepted our Facebook Page Guidelines as set out below.
Doubleview Primary School Facebook Page Guidelines:

This page has been set up to share details about the happenings at Doubleview Primary School. To ensure this page is a positive reflection of the great things happening at our school we ask you respect our Facebook Page Guidelines.
1.Facebook users who have 'Liked' our page are able to comment on the school's posts and events and on comments by other users. Users are not able to author a post of their own or load media such as video or photos.

2.We do not endorse children under the Facebook age threshold of 13 years creating their own Facebook accounts. We encourage parents to share our page with their children through their accounts and to use our Facebook page as a role model for communication through social media.
3.We encourage you to provide feedback and comments however we ask you be respectful and contribute in a positive and constructive manner. Should you wish to bring a concern to the school's attention this should be done by contacting the school directly to ensure we are able to deal with this matter in a timely and appropriate manner.
4.The school will not respond directly to requests or messages on Facebook. If you need to contact the school, please speak to your child's teacher, call us directly on 9446 1009 or email mail to:
5.You may use names in posts when you wish to acknowledge someone's great work or contribution. We wish our Facebook page to be used to build spirit and for 'patting someone on the back' publicly as we believe it goes a long way towards building a positive school and community. Where students are named they should be referred to by their first name only.
6.As the page administrators we reserve the right to remove any content which we deem to be in breach of these Facebook Page Guidelines. This includes discriminatory, illegal, obscene or misleading/fraudulent comments, spam or any content which may break intellectual property laws.


Canteen Volunteers Needed. We are very low on canteen volunteers this term. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Please see Nani in the canteen or go online to volunteer. Students love seeing a family member in the canteen and there is one free lunch for a child!

Canteen Volunteers Needed.
We are very low on canteen volunteers this term. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Please see Nani in the canteen or go online to volunteer. Students love seeing a family member in the canteen and there is one free lunch for a child!

Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

There have been a lot of fabulous Mother's Day activities at Doubleview this week. Please enjoy these photos from Kindy Red. Happy Mother's Day to all our wonderful Mums!!!!!!

Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

May is Reading Aloud month. Scholastic are running a great competition during the month of May. If you would like a reading calendar to complete please see Mrs Wood in the library. Reading aloud is a great way to improve our reading and there are 50 $100 book vouchers to be won! Good luck everyone! Mrs Wood

Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

Owner has been notified. Thanks everyone for your help.

Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

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Here are some of the fabulous books that are making their way to our library shelves, that were bought with the rewards from our first catalogue. Thank you so much! Tuesday 9th is the last day to place your order for issue 3. Thank you again for your support. Mrs Wood

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Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

May the 4th be with you! Mrs Wood

Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

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Our Year 1s are certainly enjoying Week 2 of dancing!!!

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Beautiful day for basketball!

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Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

The library is seeking any donations of Lego and/or Chess board games. Please contact Mrs Wood in the library if you are able to assist with this. Thank you.

Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

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Have a safe and happy holiday. Students return on Wednesday 26th April.

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Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

Year One Philosophers! Our Year One Philosophy and Habits of Mind Group is up and running. This week we read, posed questions and discussed ‘Elmer’ by David McKee. Elmer is a patchwork elephant who feels different from his friends. We discussed how it feels to be different and that sometimes it’s a good thing. We thought about how in the story Elmer used one of our favourite habits of mind...finding humour. This was also the habit of mind chosen by some of the children to work at cultivating for homework this week. A good habit for all of us to cultivate!

Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post

Year 6 Camp – Ern Halliday Students in year 6 had a wonderful time on camp participating in various team building activities and games such as archery, big swing, crate challenge, caving etc. Thank you to the parent volunteers Mr Boag and Ms Taylor, and to the teachers Mr Kristianopulos and Mr Dunstan for all your hard work at camp.

Photos from Doubleview Primary School's post
