Welcome to DiskBank- The Digital Media Specialists
Perth Office:
94 Jersey Street
(+61 8) 9388 0800
CEO: Carole Butler
Sydney Office:
Suite 1/45 The Corso,
(+61 2) 8071 4800
CEO: Carole Butler
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facebook.comGIANT SPIDER ARCADIA Opens To The Public!
Diskbank is excited to see the Perth arts scene come alive this week with the Arcadia Australia. Be sure to get down to Elizabeth Quay to see Arcadia’s 50 tonne, 360-degree fire-breathing Spider!
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DiskBank are proud to partner with local schools to help them raise much needed funds! Every two months, we partner with a new school by giving them recycled discs to make an artwork project of their choice. These amazing artworks are then proudly displayed on our reception wall. $1 from each job that is booked during the months the project is on the wall is donated directly back to the school. Yuluma Primary’s amazing artwork will be displayed during the months of October and November – the theme being Kandinsky’s Concentric Circles. Don’t forget to mention Yuluma Primary School when booking your job this month to receive a 10% discount! Not only will you save money, you’ll be helping the community at large by raising much needed funds for Yuluma’s Art Department! We'd love to have your school on our wall in the new year, get in touch with us via!
Watch Joseph Gordon-Levitt busk and play drums on LA subway | NME.COM
The release of the 2016 Program is Here!
Great news for all Wa-ers looking for things to do in the winter!!
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Sounds about right.....
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Happy (almost) Weekend!! Hope I see this cute little guy out tonight :)
Photos from Diskbank's post
Thomas Mitchell - Deep Sea Blue Your Dream - Hope is Alive Paper Thin - Fig 1
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Don't forget DiskBank offer a Digital Distribution Service - Get more fans by putting your songs/albums up on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play and more!
Kevin Bacon Invites WA Singer Ruby Boots Onstage, And It’s Glorious
This. Is. Awesome.
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David Bowie, Kanye West, & Sting Agreed To Be Bitten By This Massage Therapist
Huh?? (Think if i had to bite Kanye I'd draw blood)