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HWA Car Detailing

19 York Street, Subiaco, Perth, Australia



HWA Car Detailing is a specialised division of the Domestic Cleaning Agency; Housekeeping WA.
Owned & Operated by local Western Australian Family. HWA Car Detailing seeks to provide you with a Premium & Professional service that leaves your car sparkling clean, on the inside and the out.

Being a Specialised division within the Domestic Cleaning Agency, Our passion and pride is solely focused on providing the service of car wash & detailing to all personal vehicles.

With one call or message, we can have a booking arranged or a quote provided.

HWA Car Detailing is happy and able to come to you and perform the car detail whilst you sit and relax inside your home!

Or, if preferred, can undertake the car detail at the location of our office.

At HWA Car Detailing we pride ourselves on providing the "Triple P Experience" which incorporates Precision, Passion and Perfection.

No automobile is too big or too small, if you want it detailed by a professional then we are happy to provide that service as best we can.

We have a vast range of products and inventory (that are constantly being refined), to ensure that only the highest quality results are produced any time HWA Car Detailing comes in to contact with your personal car.

Call 9380 9070 today for more details!


Housekeeping WA

Housekeeping WA

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Throwback Thursday to this successful detail on one of our many happy clients car. If you'd like your car to be added to the collection or name added to our client database, give us a call on 9380 9070 or make a booking on

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OH WHAT A FEELING! Before a big day of car detailing, a caffeine fix through my morning coffee is a must. (un)fortunately I can't dance as gracefully as these guys so it's just the waxing and washing when it kicks in :)

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MIRROR, MIRROR, on the car door, who is the most effective car detailer of them all? The man who can get your entire car body reflective and bring it back to Car Store Room Perspective! for further informations or call 9380 9070 to make a booking today!

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HWA Car Detailing's cover photo

HWA Car Detailing's cover photo

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Why Choose Hand Car Wash Over Automated Car Wash; Here are 10 reasons from an article done recently: 1. It can protect you and your loved ones from harmful germs and bacteria Research shows that your car’s interior can actually be a breeding ground for harmful germs and bacteria that can threaten your health and that of your loved ones. Not if you go for hand car wash services that use steam. Steam kills these microorganisms without the use of harsh chemicals, so your family is protected not only from germs and bacteria, but also from the fumes of toxic chemical residues. 2. It can preserve the beauty of your vehicle There are just some areas of your vehicle’s exterior that automated car washes can’t reach, making them susceptible to paint damage and worse, premature rusting. Not with hand car wash, where your ride will be stripped off of all dirt and grime on all corners, top to bottom, inside and out. 3. It makes your car spic n span Remember the feeling you had when a friend took you for a ride on his hand car washed, shiny, fresh-smelling vehicle? You felt so good, right? And you didn’t want to leave any trace of dust, much less a stain on its interior? Give your family and friends the same great feeling, and you’ll notice how they’ll try to maintain that spic n span look of your prized possession. 4. It allows early detection Hand car wash professionals have the eye and the “feel” for detecting car issues that are just waiting to happen. They can easily spot a tiny crack on your windshield, a minute paint chip on your car’s paint, or identify where that odd smell in your interior is coming from. Unattended, these minor problems can turn to major damages that warrant hefty price tags. 5. It’s economical in the long run Initially, hand wash services by experts are quite expensive, depending on the specialty professional detailing services you want for your vehicle. But since the process gives your ride that ultimate clean that lasts longer, you won’t have to visit your detailer frequently. Not to mention that hand car washes don’t use stiff brushes that might be contaminated with dust, dirt and grime from previously cleaned vehicles. Thus, expensive repairs for paint swirls and scratches can be avoided. 6. It can turn into a fun learning activity Yes, automated car washes give you the benefit of speed. Just drive your car in and the whole process will be done in just a matter of minutes. But hand car wash by an expert offers a different kind of benefit. It allows you to learn more about your beloved vehicle – how to clean it properly, what you can do to prevent aesthetic issues, and more – courtesy of your mobile detailer. A genuine detailing expert loves cars, and he would love to share his advice, solicited or not! 7. It can prevent premature rusting Get the services of a hand car wash company that uses steam for cleaning vehicles and you’ll cut the chances of rusting by a huge margin. It’s because the mist that comes from steam can be dried easily with a microfiber towel. No moisture translates to no oxygen to combine with the metals and alloys in your vehicle that lead to rusting. 8. It can give jobs to the unemployed Unlike automated car washes that only require a number of people to run several bays at a time, a hand car wash company operates on a one-on-one basis (one detailer for one medium-sized vehicle); or two-to-one (two detailers for huge trucks). So when you go for this method, you are not just aiming for a beautiful and shiny ride. You are also helping others to improve their quality of life. 9. It can help protect the environment A company like DetailXPerts uses steam and all-organic cleaning materials helps conserve water by using a pint of water for cleaning medium-sized cars and five gallons for huge trucks. And since no chemicals are used, there won’t be toxic runoffs that can damage the soil, groundwater and surface water. 10. It boosts fuel efficiency A clean car doesn’t only drive better- it also saves you some fuel, according to the now defunct MythBusters. They performed an experiment that led to the findings that a clean car increases fuel efficiency.

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The rain isn't forecasted to come to Perth for a while now, so stop waiting around for that "free" car wash and get a thorough detail for a DISCOUNTED price this week and next! Inquire on our website or call 9380 9070 for more information!

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Exterior Detail Showcase

FRIDAY FILM Check out this short clip show casing a few stages that we undertake when performing exterior details on your car! For more information about the stages or whats involved, feel free to email

Exterior Detail Showcase

Housekeeping WA

Everyone's a Star! And with HWA Car Detailing we can bring the shine of the galaxy sky back to your car :)

Housekeeping WA

Housekeeping WA

Check out our website for further details about how you can keep your car sleek! Drawing attention without having to beep ;)

Housekeeping WA

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HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYBODY! From the team at HWA Car Detailing, we wish you good fortune and happiness to come your way this year. We are back in operation from a break enjoying the South West of Western Australia. If any of you have also been there, and the state of your car now gives you a scare! Whether it be bugs, or dirt, let us get to work and clean your car to show what its worth! Contact 9380 9070 anytime to make a booking :)

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Housekeeping WA

Our Sister Company has a great Offer for Christmas!

Housekeeping WA


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