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Cottesloe Primary School

530 Stirling Highway, Peppermint Grove, Australia



Situated in Peppermint Grove Western Australia, Cottesloe Primary School caters for approximately 360 children from Kindergarten to Year 6. This user policy is in addition to any user policy or terms and conditions imposed by Facebook.

Cottesloe Primary School is happy to be alerted to issues via its Facebook page but does wish to remind the community that some things are best dealt with privately.

The kind of issues that can be raised should be centered around school improvements, generally on infrastructure or processes. Issues involving any of the students or staff must not be raised in the Facebook page. We are happy to see people support the issue via a Facebook comment or a ‘like’. However, we will not support interactions that incite or fuel overly negative sentiments.

We also ask that you do not use the names of our teaching and administration staff, students or any other member of the community in any issues based postings.
Please be aware that Cottesloe Primary School's user policy is subject to amendment or modification and may change at any time.


Urgent - A call to arms! Unfortunately our message did not go out last week. Currently we are putting out rubbish for the verge collection and urgently require help. IF you are able to spare some time before 11 a.m. please come down to the school.

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The P&C will be running an ongoing fundraiser with Stuck on You name labels. You can browse the range of products available at - products include iron on labels for clothing, sticky labels for books, pencils, lunchboxes, drink bottles, etc, bag tags and personalised backpacks and stationery. All you need to do is make your purchases, at the checkout you will have to create an account, and then enter COTTESLOEPS in the Fundraiser Code box - the school will earn a commission of 20% on every dollar spent! For more information please refer to the flyer attached, contact Anna at, or drop in to the uniform shop where there will be some samples and flyers. Make sure you order in time to get all those pencils and clothes named before school goes back next year! Cottesloe Primary P&C

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Wednesday 7th December - Final Day of School Banking for 2016 This Wednesday 7th December, will be the last day for school banking in 2016. Thank you all for a wonderful year of school banking. We are looking forward to the start of 2017 and welcoming both our wonderful regular customers and new customers alike. Merry Christmas from the School Banking team.

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P&C Meeting tonight - all welcome! Looking forward to the school's 120th anniversary next year and thanking past members for their hard work for our wonderful school. 7.30pm at the school library.

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Quick reminder: It's the last day for stationery and book lists to be lodged at school tomorrow.

Our Christmas Concert is coming soon! Santa's very own special Helpers (The P&C) are asking for a few more kind elves to assist with decorating the undercover area for our fabulous Christmas Concert. Please meet Liza-Jean at the undercover area on Thursday 8th Dec ( bring your jolly little ones too ) from 1.45 pm. Thank you.

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Due to the impending Administration Upgrade we would like to advise you that the school office will be relocated to the Johnston Street Education Centre (old Hearing Impaired School off Johnston Street) this Thursday and Friday. Removalists will relocate the office furniture and equipment. There will be a slight disruption to services on Friday morning as the telephone system and IT (computers) will be relocated too! If you need to contact the school Friday morning, please call either: Graham Dart 0408 914 923 Jane Lowther 0400 934 169 Tracey-Anne Simpson 0412 218 773 Please come in and say hello! Just follow the signs. The following staff members are relocating: Graham Dart – Principal Jane Lowther – Deputy Principal Andrea MacFarlane – Deputy Principal Tracey-Anne Simpson – Manager Corporate Service Jennifer Mitchell – School Officer: and Lena Harvey – School Officer Thank you.

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Photos from Cottesloe Primary School's post

Congratulations to Mrs Andel and all of her amazing students and helpers from the school community. Tonight's Art & Puppet Show was spectacular!

Photos from Cottesloe Primary School's post

Family and friends are invited tomorrow night to celebrate a year of hard work by our Year 1 to 6 students showcasing an exhibition of their amazing 2D art work and incredible papier mache rod puppets culminating with a performance of short puppet plays commencing from:- 5.00pm Year 1, Rooms 7 and 8 5.15pm Year 1/2 Room 9, Year 2 Room 2 5.30pm Year 2/3 Room 3 5.45pm Year 3 Room 1, Year 3 Room 5 6.00pm Year 4 Room 6, Year 4/5 Room 16 6.15pm Year 5 Room 14 6.30pm Year 5/6 Room 15 Tuesday 29th November in the Art Room

For those students who were sponsored for the Fun Run and have not yet bought in their Fun Run Sponsorship money, could you please send in to the red box at reception by no later than this Friday 25th November. Thank you. On behalf of the Cottesloe Primary School P & C

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The Library needs volunteers for a one-off, re-ordering of books in shelves on Friday 2nd December from 9am. Check your emails for more details.

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Photos from Cottesloe Primary School's post

Thank you to the very thoughtful and generous P&C for putting on a delicious lunch for the Cottesloe PS staff today.

Photos from Cottesloe Primary School's post


NEAR Cottesloe Primary School