Centre For Effective Living
Psychologist in the Hornsby and Hills Areas Psychologists in the Hornsby and Hills District
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facebook.comRecipe For A Relationship
A no nonsense look at what makes for a healthy marriage by a Psychologist who has seen what works and what doesn't. http://www.effectiveliving.com.au/hornsbypsychologist/basic-recipe-for-a-healthy-relationship
Centre For Effective Living
What gets a man down? Psychologist Michelle Dean shares some of the common struggles she encounters. #menmentalhealth http://www.effectiveliving.com.au/hornsbypsychologist/on-being-a-man
A tale of mental illness -- from the inside
Schizophrenia - Insight from the Inside. Powerful video to help us understand this disorder. http://www.ted.com/talks/elyn_saks_seeing_mental_illness?utm_campaign=social&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_content=talk&utm_term=social-science
The Gottman Institute
School is back! Some ideas for after school connection and chit chat https://www.facebook.com/GottmanInstitute/photos/a.469547105864.241581.149200885864/10154309546065865/?type=3&theater
How to Avoid the Empathy Trap - Mindful
"Those who regularly prioritize the feelings of others above their own needs often experience generalized anxiety or low-level depression. They may describe a feeling of emptiness or alienation, or dwell incessantly on situations from the perspective of another. But what causes us to fall into an empathy trap—and how can we escape? Here are some ideas" http://www.mindful.org/how-to-avoid-the-empathy-trap/
What is trichotillomania? . . .
Trichotillomania hard to spell, harder to live with. What is it? https://www.sane.org/media-centre/the-sane-blog/1882-what-is-trichotillomania
Borderline Personality Disorder what is it? Insight from the Inside https://www.sane.org/people-like-us/1812-stephanie
Monitor - January 2017 - 49
There's a great practical article in managing anger in this edition
How To Train These Six Senses Of Happiness
We've fed our tummies during the festive season, now how about our Happiness? http://www.forbes.com/sites/jessicahagy/2016/10/05/the-six-senses-of-happiness/#3c3ee6fff547
Photos from Centre For Effective Living's post
And we're back! Hello 2017. Some pictures of our Westleigh rooms where we share with a Podiatrist and Chiropractor. Found it amusing when all three of our doors were open and our offices looked sooooooooooo different. Ours is the one with no contraptions incase you were worried! *Valerie
Instagram photo by Inspiration for Entrepreneurs • Oct 20, 2016 at 6:53pm UTC
For a bit of New Year's Oomph! https://www.instagram.com/p/BLy6TB-hOXo/
Timeline Photos
Warm wishes for a Happy New Year to all from the team at the Centre for Effective Living! Today is the first blank page of a 365-page book. It is our hope that it marks the beginning of a year filled with dreams, goals, quality time with friends and family, and an abundance of love and peace. #happynewyear #2017