A private practice dedicated to providing the highest quality, personalised Paediatric services for children with congenital and structural heart disease.
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facebook.comSome recent feedback! #welovewhatwedo "Thank-you so much for a very thorough report, we were very pleased with the positive experience we received from our very first phone call, a phone call to advise us of road works on the day of our app, to allow for delays in traffic, our visit to your rooms, the very professional, yet reassuring manner of the entire staff on the day. Obviously receiving good news with results is easier, however quite often we go into appointments fearing the worst, Im sure we would have been just as impressed with the high level of professional care we would have received had we needed further treatment. Thank-you to the Team at MHCK!"
Tram works on Flemington Road affecting traffic | RCH News
Please be aware of tramworks this week! Making it a LOT slower on Flemington road and your journey here will be affected, please allow more time and drive safely! :-)
Timeline Photos
Ruby Rhino checking out some City views! #mhck #hearts #kids #melbourne #heartkids #clinic #rch
Heart Foundation
Heart Center at Boston Children's Hospital
The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
DIARY DATE: TOMORROW: The Good Friday Appeal! Helping kids like little Gus...give give give. Donate from the heart. :-) xx Have a safe and happy Easter break everyone. With love from Melbourne heart clinic for kids! x
Herald Sun / CityLink Run for the Kids
THIS SUNDAY!! Come show your support for those making an effort for our Kids! #goodfun #runforthekids #heraldsun #citylink #goodfridayappeal #rch #forourkids #live #laugh #love
Have a lovely, safe, long weekend everyone! We are closed Monday 14th but re-open from Tuesday 15th for your bookings! 039345 6414.
We can get you in with one of our Cardiologists usually within the week! Call us on 9345 6414 for an appointment.
René Laennec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Happy birthday to Rene Laenac! René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec (French: [laɛnɛk]; 17 February 1781 – 13 August 1826) was a French physician. He invented the stethoscope in 1816, while working at the Hôpital Necker and pioneered its use in diagnosing various chest conditions. Aren't we glad for Rene and his invention!
Timeline Photos
Over the Christmas break we repotted our Fiddle Leaf Figs (aka Molly and Tommy hehe :-) and look how much they've grown! #plantlife #fiddleleaffigs #nature #nuture #hearts #kids #heartkids