Red Rivers Trail Riders
A family friendly recreational trail riding club
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Our club grounds needs a bit of a clean up to start of a full year of fun,,,,1st Feb 9 o'clock or earlier ,,Even if u can help 4 an hour ,more hands makes light work ,,,Need chain saws,,,Muscle and more muscle,,,Will let u no closer to the day what else is needed,,,Cheers
Aussie PRIDE World-wide
Have a great Australia Day
Timeline Photos
Guess who we saw at the beach! Just kidding. Now I have your attention - we have a working bee on Monday 1st Feb at the Hub. If you can spare an hour or two, or more.....there are some jobs like clean out the container, trim trees, mow, whipper snip, clean toilets and canteen and anything else we can think of. We will need chain saws, trailers etc. Many hands makes light work. Thank you in advance :)
R we ready to get back in the saddle for a few hrs ride,,,,It's a shady spot but rocky so we will take it easy ...riding in Tamborine Forest 6 Th Feb ,,,Leaving at 9 o'clock,,, Morning tea on trail and lunch back at the float. Parking details will be emailed to members. Please ring Linda 0439719550 Or email,,,,Hope to see you there!
Keep these dates free!