Providing classes in Acrobatics skills, with a focus on skill development and technique. Fully qualified gymnastics coaches. Specialising in privates.
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facebook.comCurrently having trouble with our contact number, any questions, queries for the time being.. please FB message or email us: We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Acrobatic Arts Australia's cover photo
Monday Rhythmic/Acro Shooting Stars 10:15-11am Age 4-5 Thursday Rhythmic/Acro Shooting Stars 9:30-10am Age 3 Thursday Rhythmic/Acro Shooting Stars 10:15-11am Age 4-5 Thursday Rhythmic/Acro Shooting Stars 11:15-12pm Aged 5-8
Well done on your Aerial progress Chloe!
What's on Wednesday's? Advanced Acrobatics, 6:30-7:30pm. Technique, skills and drills to improve walkover skills, flexibility/strength, combination skills, back handsprings and Aerial work. Contact us now for a free trial assessment: *minimum ability/flexibility level required.
2017 Acrobatics Splits Wall
Splits Achievements in 2017 from holiday privates, term privates + weekly group students :)
Wow! What a fantastic first Monday back for us here at Acrobatic Arts Australia :D 39 students, previous and new came along today to see and experience what we're all about! It was fantastic seeing familiar faces and meeting many new ones! Looking forward to the remainder of Term 1, 2017!
New achievement for Georgia week 1 2017! Well done!
Photos from Acrobatic Arts Australia's post
Acrobatic Arts Australia recently ran a 2017 January Holiday Program, so many smiling faces from current, previous and new students! Thank you all so much for your ongoing participation in our programs, the success of our January Holiday Program has allowed us to purchase 2 additional training aids, to be utilised within our 2017 programs :D (looking forward to their arrival in about 2-3 weeks!). Our 2017 Monday classes commence tomorrow, February 6th! See you all there :D
Photos from Acrobatic Arts Australia's post
Shooting Stars Aged 3 and Aged 4-5 re commences tomorrow! :D
2017 Acrobatics Splits Wall
Chloe Age 9
Timeline Photos
FREE TRIALS tomorrow, Thursday Feb 2nd! *ideal for kinder aged students and home schooled students who want to give Acrobatics a try :) *spaces limited, please email us to book in.
We're currently having some issues with our mobile contact number and voicemail, we apologise to those trying to contact us, please send us an email and we will get back to you ASAP: