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Leafbusters1 - Thea's Office

675 Basin-Olinda Rd, Olinda, Australia
Retail Company



#Leafbusters invented the #GutterGuard system, & #Thea Groom then opened  the #GutterProtection Industry.. Est 1992.
The No. 1 Choice Because It Works  Theres only one way to fix the leaves in gutters and stop people climing on ladders.

Do it right the first time with Leafbusters. All other gutter protection company that installs simsilar to us, then they are on of the copies trying to do what we do.
But Leafbusters innovates and pushes the boundary for development and latest technology in formalations, that still keep us ahead of the pack... no one has innovated.  Not one.. WE are market Leader, Thea Groom opened the Gutter Protection Industry.. And all others just follow in her steps.


There's ONLY the #Winner & nothing else.. There's #NumberOne and followers..... so It MATTERS not what these IDIOTS do to me to try AND put me DOWN... #History IS written - ITS done. #NumberOne IS always the #FIRST - that's #Leafbusters #GutterGuard - & #TheaGroom who OPENED the #Industry..... HAHA... You POOR PATHETIC #competitors WHERE the hell will YOU GO - if I'm not opening the #Future?? FOR you all pretend you are #Leafbusters.... You use MY systems; my old mesh designs & colours & Fitting methods.. AND #MarketingMethods BUT have STAGNATED from 2014 since I have STOPPED inputting...... I AM the #Vision.... I STOP?? What happens TO YOU? Psychopaths DESTROY - #LEADERS BUILD & #innovate... YOU need ME more THAN I need you - for TIS I that has #TheMidasTouch... AS you know OH so well.. For you ALL have STOLEN much.. Enjoy your spoils FOR that's all YOULL ever GET ever IN LIFE ever AGAIN.. You will now FALL on your own swords.. Enjoy that ride too - As much as I will do watching you... ITS OVER..

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It's TIME to STOP #PoliceBrutality I'm looking for #CrowdFunding to SUE #VicPol for #PervertingTheCourseOfJusyice AND I will FORCE change - after a Great BAD happens a GREAT #good they MUST do.. #LISTEN centres WILL BE BUILT.. Funded by Vic Pol - Designed BY ME - for #MentalHealth people to be able to go & speak of trouble AND BE LISTENED to... And #Police - do #RealPoliceDuties I am sick & TIRED of COPS beating UP youth & EVERYONE - taking #steroids & #bashing & #shooting people IN PUBLIC.. Police - HEY you!!? - Your "AbsolutePower" "ITS OVER" - I am #TheaGroom & #INTEGRITY can not BE quashed.

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❓❓ Where OH where has John Urgrenovic gone ❓❓🚔 #BUSTED DOT COM ❓❓❓ his reviews are gone.. Sadness❓ doesn't matter 🔊 all documentation has been RECORDED 🔊 #loud & #clear FOR #trial.. And I mean #JailTime... COUNT your FREE TIME... you bully.. #CyberBully ME❓ and #Defraud MY #company❓ whilst you are UNDER the protection of your #handlers cause you are a #DOG - steroids is your #protection? #INTEGRITY - is MINE !!

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#Fans & visitors & all good people - WE KNOW #crime DOESNT pay.... In fact when you DO #CRIME - you DO #TIME... Now #FRAUD is a #WhiteCollarCrime.... It's the crime of the so called #BusinessProfessional... Believe it OR not there's MORE #crime done IN the business 🌎 world than in the so called #crimeworld.. The #GFC was done by #CorpPsychopaths... YUP.. Well #Elaine here; and her escapades as our #BookKeeper - WHAT a disgusting piece OF work? BUT - The #FatController (as my Storeman called her) - left a lot of #EVIDENCE that she didn't DELETE.. WOW - #gratitude FOR - I am always "given" ALL the information I NEED to PUT #criminals DOWN... Hey #AUSSIE - you have a good weekend, Ya hear? (and all the supporters that took outta MY office IVE got eyes ON YA!!!) 👀 We shall MEET sooner than SOON - enjoy the #WinterSun wontcha? #KIWI; you're FINISHED. This is the last #AUGUST you try ME out! Get READY... freshmeat. BUT; handsome is gonna eat DUST - so is Hus BUM buddy Johnny.. You're GONE; you shouldn't have done what you did?? BTW - Greensborough is where they SELL ROIDS now? But see HANDSOME is a #DOG... The cops are protecting HIM.. The boy from Broady doesn't ever get BUSTED hey??? Lucky? hmmmmmm #Cops do #ROIDS when they beat up #innocents men in LOCKUP.. Watch outFacey #IBAC is watching - smile for CANDID CAMERA 😎

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The #unwarranted & disgraceful attacks union me, by disgusting #trolls pretending to be #realpeople;some even using the name OF my Psychiatrist treating me for #CPTSD is a reflection ON the attacks I have been subjected to by the #COMPETITION to DO anything to "destroy me" because they can't compete AGAINST - #ethics !!! Shame ON YOU - you disgusting animals treating me like this calling me names like crazy, when all I've DONE is WORK hard for a living. AND #DEFENDED myself from your attacks. #hurting badly, from attacks not warranted against anyone. YET where is help FOR me?

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The #Phoenix has ARISEN out of the #ASHES arises the BIRD that has been burned down by the hottest of fire that it's TURNED to #ASHES... To: Professor Singh & Peter my lawyer who have kept my head from breaking open - THIS IS DEDICATED to you - from my ❤️ I'm doing it with ALL I've got)...

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The #Phoenix has RISEN

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Who uses a #Drug & Criminal Lawyer for an IVO? A #gulty one... on a #PleaseExplain? When we've asked:- show us the #EVIDENCE - you #liar... hmmm... #waiting: waiting...,..

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Give a round of #applause to these three #clowns for amusing us and reminding us that there is possibly, this much hatred and contempt. And that much the #opposition WILL DO to a woman in Business, rather than compete with her in the market.. They can not OUTDO #ethics. They must do #covert disgusting things covertly, like their cowardly acts of #bullying. This is only a sample of what they have done in over 13 years. #POLICE;- now do you want to do a full investigation: then look into the practises of the real #Smurf and Crew? I think you might unravel a tale that would surprise Sherlock Holmes in the least... And SHOCK THE NATION, and across the ditch. And put a medal upon my chest. go ON, "ARE YA feelin lucky punks?" well,,,,,, are ya? ***Tell em, i"m lying *** reveal yourselves: and ahhhh - make me out to be a #LIAR or #crazy..

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This is NO joke... Please share & RESHARE because I'm NOW #seriously trying to save my life... This is an #SOS NOW - it's THE "Quick OR the DEAD" 🌕 urgent 🌕 For 🔫 tomorrow HERES the LIST of what I NEED - yeah THEY READ EVERY WORD I WRIITE:- YOUR details ONLY TO MY inbox please - you must REMAIN ANNON... 1: World Wide Invesyigative Reporters** 2: Medical Investigative Reporters ** 3. Psychologists SPECIALISING in NPD Cluster B types Overt & Covert. 4. Specialised Equipment:Medical Questioning/NDP's & others 6. Detectives & Others Trained in Covert Ops with Australia valid Investigations 7. USA Intelligence on handling Psychopaths in in civil + criminal.. 9. Human Rights QC's for me

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Gutter Guard | Gutter Protection | Leaf Busters | Thea Groom

#Leafbusters MEANS; #trust; it's a #BRAND the #MarketLeader, #Innovator; & the best #GutterGuard - #TheaGroom - well I am a #BRAND too - that's why the crooks are trying to hurt me in any way they can. BUT - HERE I AM, and I will fight till my last #breathe 👅 http :// my2rHWS5jR0

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One of THE MOST #influential men of history; #GeorgeOrwell of #NinetyEighyFour FAME 1984 - #BigBrother & #ThoughtCrime 💥 act 💥 "in a time of deceit, telling the truth is #revolutionary"

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