Yoga for health and mindfulness.
Nurture your natural being with Lokya Yoga's organic vinyasa. Suitable for all bodies and ages.
Hari Om Tat Sat
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Register now, and join together and move with one breath for this excellent cause. 🌿
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Always a #pleasure, #delight and absolute #privilege to share the #lightofyoga with any person, but I #feel especially #grateful when guiding #children. Happy to be back teaching the kids at a lovely Montessori school. #kritajna #isvarapranidhana #gratitude #letthelittlesonescome #purity #childrenarelittlebuddhas #lessonsfromtheinnocent Hari Om Tat Sat 🌿
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Beautiful way to greet the New Year: finding Lokya Yoga's dedicated students on their mats on the first day of 2017, and recommencing our 5am morning classes, (intended for the practitioner who is looking to develop/continue yoga as a Sadhana.) Find us on MindBody, 🌿 Grateful to enter another year in the service of love. 🕉Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu🕉 #yogapractice #yogaperth #yogafreo #yogi #yogini #asana #meditation #hathayoga #vinyasa #mindfulness #vinyasakrama #krishnamacharya #yogaclasses #flow #kritajna Hari Om Tat Sat
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"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing. Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj #know #remember #atman #iam #soham #yoga #isvarapranidhana #itsallsacred
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Evening weekday class at Legion Mixed Martial Arts Cockburn coming March 2017. Find us on MindBody and book a class. All welcome, we have classes to suit all preferences and needs. Did you know that private yoga/meditation classes are available? They can be held at our shala or in the comfort of your home. Bookings essential 🌿 Explore yoga through the practice of asana and meditation. "When your inner world comes into order, your outer world will come into order" - #iching #peace #asana #meditation #yogaeverywhere #yogapractice #breathe #hathayoga #yogafreo#yogaperth #mindfulness #mind #body #yogi #yogini #martialart #wellness #fitness #weareone Hari Om Tat Sat 💚
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"Be vicious. Be proud. Be proper. But only when it counts. Be your own savior. At times, allow yourself to care enough to save someone else. Be brave. Brave enough to empty out and start again. Have enough perspective to see both sides of the coin. Be vacation unto yourself in a space that you call your own. Write in cursive because we don't anymore. Then let everyone curse you because they can't understand. Let them be them. Be what matters. Be you." - P.Hart (@workinprogress13 ) 💜Book a class with Lokya Yoga. We cater for the very beginner and the very experienced💜 Find us on MindBody (link in bio)⬆ #kapotasana #beyou #thespaceinyou #atman #asana #meditation #yogaeverywhere #yogapractice #breathe #hathayoga #yogafreo #yogaperth #yogi #yogini #isvarapranidhana 🌿Hari Om Tat Sat 🌿
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Lokya Yoga now has early morning classes for those who are interested in daily practice. Find us on MindBody 🌿💚 #yoga #yogi #yogini #sadhana #meditation #yogapractice #yogaperth #yogafreo #perth #freo #yogaeverydamnday #asana Hari Om Tat Sat
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Scales ... (life's little balancing acts) 🌿🍂 "When you are forced to face ugliness at every turn, the beauty in things begins to reveal itself" - RH Fowler Sometimes life can seem harsh and unpleasant, and for some it is so without doubt. We can't know light without darkness or vice versa. Keep breathing through the pleasant and not so pleasant, knowing that they're all lessons and that the light of love in us is the same light of love in all. There is nothing more powerful than the intention of love - all else shall come to pass. ✌ Book a class at Lokya Yoga today. Find us on MindBody. Hari Om Tat Sat #isvarapranidhana #thistooshallpass #yoga #yogapractice #yogaperth #freo #yogafreo #yogi #yoga #atman #meditation #breathe #hathayoga #asana #yogaclasses #peace #equanimity #weareone
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Gem ... "Don't mistake the weather of your mind for the sky of your being." - Jeff Foster Join our mindful movement at Lokya Yoga. Book via MindBody #yoga #yogapractice #yogaperth #yogafreo #yogi #yogini #perth #freo #peace #atman #nomind #yogaeverywhere #justbreathe #mindwatching #witness
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Musings … “The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.” - Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi After the recent New Moon in Scorpio, my mind drifted to lessons that I have learnt about myself from relationships of all kinds. I’ve often felt that I’ve seen beauty and/or potential in people that may not be apparent to that person or even to others (or so I perceived). Sometimes the person seemed unable to, even seem to not want to, access the potential I was seeing (again, or so I perceived). Not to say that I thought they should change, or ‘improve’, or ‘be more’, but quite the opposite, rather to realize that they had a beautiful fullness right there waiting for them - waiting for them to recognize it and live as though they have realized it. Now, I look back and think: 1) Easier said than done 2) How egotistical of you Miss Judge-y-Pants Heynes? 3) My perception- though valid in my world– need never be/become/or even has been someone else’s reality – even if I’m thinking really nice stuff. And, it is point 3 that I found myself ruminating on, clearly needing some healing and clarity – it was in fact an interplay of judgement, ego and expectation strangely masquerading as admiration. I’ve often found myself irrationally hurt by people not seeing themselves as being as fabulous as I saw them – thinking they could grow, they could learn, they will see, they will become … but why should they? To satisfy my desire to see them blossom into my ideal version of them? For example: why do I see your beautiful ability to be determined, but you constantly act in a flaky manner? (Or apply your determined way to the state of flakiness – determinedly flaky?) Why should this even cause a sense of bother? Even though I may believe my thoughts are only complimentary, they are still judgemental, therefore the feelings of betrayal stem from the root of disappointment from MY unfulfilled expectation of you – regardless of how flattering my belief in you may be – somehow making your potential about me (Ego!). Accepting someone as they are, is true appreciation. Pain can ensue because of that feeling of irrational betrayal. The situation is not mine to ‘own’ – why would I feel betrayed? I own my actions and am accountable for them and the flow on effects from them, but the situation is the making of all involved so it is necessary to be discerning when measuring out responsibility/blame/innocence. If the relationship is of great significant (but again, what makes it greater than any other one?) and someone’s actions are causing you distress that adversely affects what you believe to be good for you, walk away. They will either adjust (if they are ready and needed a catalyst of sorts) or it will be all over (maybe for a period time, maybe for this lifetime). If someone is not the version of themselves that you require to have a healthy interaction (whatever that means to you), it’s ok to love them from a distance. Sometimes they cannot, don’t want to, or are simply not ready to be any more or less than exactly what they are, it’s their free will – and they need to do what resonates with them. It’s their journey. Your perception is not more of a priority than their chosen (consciously or unconsciously) lived-experience. Love and care from a distance if necessary, and don’t beat yourself up for having positive feeling towards someone who has hurt you – we are each a mixture of our strengths and weaknesses. It’s not your problem – and not necessarily a problem. (Of course this does not include abusive and/or unsafe relationships/situations.) Be thankful that you had the heart and eyes to recognize that beauty/potential in another and perhaps view it as a step in the journey towards your Self, as well as considering the lesson/s learnt. Sometimes we get so caught up in believing and seeing the best in others that we forget that there is a Beauty in us that allows us to see it. New Moon in Scorpio can bring heightened sensitivity, transformation, transmutation, healing, plunging into the depths to find lessons. Namaste Tams Hari Om Tat Sat