MJs Beauty Boutique
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Friends/family I need a favour if you'd like to help me out, Post this Status on your page & TAG me in it STOP THE PRESS The Blue Beauty Box is going Crazzzzy 💄 Why not spoil yourself with one You will be so surprised with what's inside!!! 💄 It's FULL of Beauty Products 🚢 My next shipment has just arrived....Your going to love it 💄 Order yours today and it will be delivered to your door!! 💌 Inbox me or phone 📱 0498 959 997
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So happy 😊that Nutrimetics has NEVER tested on animals!! 🚫🐇🐁 Never has & never will in its 48 year history! What products are you using??? 😕 To all those that have not been open to trial Nutri products.... NOW is the time! Say goodbye to all those nasty brands that test on animals try a product that is not only #1 in the industry but that REFUSES AND HAS ALWAYS REFUSED to test on animals! 💜 I'm proud to be associated with such a great company that cares about cruelty to animals⁉ From July 2017, Australian stores will be stocked with cruelty-free #cosmetics, #fragrances and #toothpaste. #nutrimetics #BeautyAdvisor #MUA #peggysellin #beautyindustry #beauty #skincare #makeup #crueltyfree #noanimaltesting
Photos from MJs Beauty Boutique's post
Excellent specials
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Hey Beauty Full 😜 ladies, good morning! The Beauty Kit is $99 Get on board to: savemoney💄on your purchases makemoney 📲 as Beauty Consultants startyourbusiness ✅ as Beauty Entrepreneurs Those that get onboard in their first month get the full $99 refunded.
Photos from MJs Beauty Boutique's post
Hurry and get your orders in before the free shipping ends...
MJs Beauty Boutique's cover photo
MJs Beauty Boutique's cover photo
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Imagine if all the parents waiting for their payments from Centrelink and ATO decided to invest just over $100 into your future. What would change? What would not? *Next month you will have an income *You will still be a stay at home mum *You will not be stressing over family income any more *You will show your friends and family a positive successful you *You will be will get paid to be on Facebook *You will give your family a healthy lifestyle *You will make a change to the lives of others
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Do you love FREEBIES as much as I do🎁💄💞 $99 is all it takes for me to order your Beauty Bag today and I can have it sent directly to you 😊 The Beauty Bag is AWESOME and you will love it!!! The terms and conditions are so awesome and easy too!!! Once I have ordered your Beauty Bag it will arrive direct to you within 7 working days. It contains $350+ worth of beautiful Nutrimetics Skincare Products! All you need to do throughout the month of July/August to get your $99 refunded and achieve your Beauty Bag for FREE is simply show the brochures that are in the Beauty Bag to your friends, family, work colleagues etc. and collect $242 worth of orders, it's that easy😍 Remember you will have until the end of August to collect your orders. You will also become a Beauty VIP Member with loads of benefits: 💄20% discount on Skincare and Make-Up 💄Order Online 💄Delivered direct to you 💄Free Shipping 💄Exclusive Offers 💄VIP Status 💄No Minimum Monthly Sales 💄Monthly Specials Brochure 💄Nutrimetics does NOT test on animals 💄OPPORTUNITY TO ACHIEVE an Extra $2000 OF FREEBIES🎁🎁🎁 I'd love to order your beauty bag today😊 Other details I will need to order your Beauty Bag are: Full Name Address Email Mobile DOB Skin Type: oily, dry, combination, sensitive or pigmented If you would like me to call you to get your details please PM me your mobile number.
Check it out girlz