Dingo Sauce Co.
Dingo Sauce Co. is a purveyor of artisan chilli sauce produced in North Fremantle, Western Australia. Our signature sauce is the Super Hot Sriracha.
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facebook.comSRIRACHA (Superhot Version) by @DingoSauceCo
Super stoked with this awesome review of our Super Hot Sriracha from the good folk The Hippy Seed Company. Thanks so much guys - ripper 🙏🏻🌶🔥🙏🏻
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Merry Christmas from #dingosauceco May your day be happy & 'hot' wherever you are 🌶🍻🔥🌶🍻
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Attention good towns folk of Margaret River (or those of you down South for the holiday season who've forgotten your #dingohotsauce 😱😢😱). Margaret River's awesome gourmet food store @lardermargriver are now all stocked up on #superhotsriracha #mildpuppy AND #widowmaker 🔥🌶🔥. Get it while it's hot people. It's supposed to be 40 degrees here in Perth today so bring it on baby, bring it on 🔥🌶🍻🌶🍻🍻🍻 photo credit: @lardermargriver Shop 2/99 Bussell Highway, Margaret River
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Our good friend David Mc Dougall about to catch a plane from sunny Perth back to ice storms in Eerie Pennsylvania!!! Don't worry buddy, your Dingo hot sauce will keep you warm 🌶👍🌶 & you're also the proud owner of the very first Dingo Sauce Co shirt to travel to the US of A. Safe travels mate #sharethechillilove #lifeisbetterwithchilli #aussiehotsauce #chillichristmas #handmade #superhotsriracha #chillilovers #homegrown #gratitude #artisanchilli #pertheats #freofood #insomniadesign
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The terrible threesome making their super 'hot' debut in the institution that is @vanscafecottesloe 🌶😍🌶Props to the Cottesloe massive who've done some hardcore sauce swillin' in just one day 😜 - impressive performance - it's gotta be said, punters are freekin brave getting into that Widow Maker with such gusto - definitely not for the faint hearted!! 😂🌶🔥🔥🔥 Big love to all the crew at Vans for sharing the dingo sauce burn - get yer good self down to Vans to heat things up for weekend people, #lifeisbetterwithchlli 😍
Ok VIP peeps - sauce has been flying out the door over the last few weeks and all we've got left in stock is a limited supply of Mild Puppy (12 bottles) until our next cook up next week. Because we are feeling super grateful and just a wee bit Christmassy we are offering 10% off all Mild Puppy orders between now and Wednesday 15/12/2016. First-in-best-dressed 😜🌶🌶🌶
Check out these epic little beauties https://www.facebook.com/leighcrash/posts/10153829957882271
Dingo Sauce Co.
UPDATE: 11/12/2016 Only men's M & women's S, M still available :) Ok sauce lovers - who wants a limited edition Dingo Sauce Co T? We've a small selection of the following sizes available : Women's S, M Men's M, L, XL, 2XL Ts are $40 with a flat rate postage $7.70 Australia wide for a satchel which could also fit a couple of bottles of sauce! Widow Maker, Super Hot & Medium Heat Sriracha - 150ml for $14.95 each. Comment 'sold' & the items that you're after below and we will PM you a PayPal link 🙂🌶🙂 big saucy love to you all
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Afternoon T #Dingosauceco style #chillilovers #lifeisbetterwithchilli #artisanchilli #handmade #hotsauce #glutenfree #veganfriendly #preservativefree #keepitlocal
Chilli chilli everywhere! A pretty regular occurrence @ our place these days. More Pozible reward packs lined up for posting in the morn :)
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The 'big boys', our #superhotsriracha and #mildpuppy with a bonus 'bad boy' aka #widow maker! All Pozible gift packs locked & loaded peeps. Exciting stuff !! It's amazing how productive you can be with a broken metatarsal or 3 #dingosauceco #Pozible #peoplepower #gratitude #hotsauce #northfreofood
Photos from Dingo Sauce Co.'s post
Hello chilli fiends and a very happy Monday to you all. What a massive week last week was for Dingo Sauce Co. - brewing sauce with our 'Meet the Maker' buddy Dino, re-potting a whole host of little seedlings for our awesome Pozible pledgers, the arrival of our very first batch of Tshirts & a super successful Sriracha tasting at Old Bridge Cellars in North Freo on Friday night. Thanks so very much to everyone who made it down to say hello - leigh had such a ball! We finished our weekend by labelling all the freshly brewed 'Widow Maker' bottles and now, finally, we've got all our Pozible rewards sorted & ready to go so we'll be starting our mailouts today. If you Pledged on Pozible and have not yet sent us your address or Tshirt size PLEASE PM IT ASAP so we can get you your goodies. Once all Pozible rewards have been delivered we will have sauce & Ts available for sale through this FB page AND a website will materialise in the not-to-distant future (we hope) so we can share some of the other exciting creations we are busy working on :) fun times people, fun times 🌶❤️🌶 So that's about the long & short of it saucy buddies - as always, thanks so much for all the awesome support for the Dingo Sauce Co journey. Love & gratitude chilli lovers 😍😍