Description Peak Physique is a rapidly expanding group of yoga studios in Australia, offering vinyasa. Hot & warm. Email us here:
All yoga is fantastic. As long as you are practicing some form of it, the core intent always has many similarities.
Yoga of any type makes you fit, flexible, and relaxed. Create a life where you can do more of it.
For this reason, Peak Physique Hot Yoga embraces many different forms of yoga into its yoga studios. They include normal room temperature yoga… called Warm Variation in our yoga timetable.
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Everyone is looking for love and connection. Remember that love always starts with you! Love yourself enough to surround yourself with people that respect you. The company you keep is a reflection of how you feel about yourself.
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2017 is going to offer many blessings and joys but along with those happy moments are times of disappointment and chaos. These moments can deliver unwanted stress into our lives. Cue Hot yoga. Many people turn to hot yoga in the hope to find peace during hectic times. Once you learn the benefits, yoga can turn into a lifelong practice. Click here to read about some of the benefits of your Yoga practice:
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Turn your Passion into a career with our yoga teacher training in 2017! It gives you the knowledge and skills necessary to become a yoga teacher! Simply click here: for more information!
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Merry Christmas from all of us at #peakphysique!
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"When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others." ~ Peace Pilgrim
Change your relationship with your body through a yoga practice - Peak...
We have all heard someone in our lives say “ you should give yoga a go”. Ugh, you think, “ yoga is for hippies.” Before you throw the idea of yoga under the mat here are some of the ways yoga will change the relationship you have with your body and mind after just one class:
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Stuck for Christmas Gift Ideas? Give the Gift of Health this Christmas with a #peakphysique Gift Voucher! Just ask any of our friendly staff at any of our locations and you can choose the value or package for the voucher! #sweatwithpeak
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The founders of @peakphysiqueHQ live and breathe all things yoga and strive to be a living example of what optimum health looks and feels like! Mike & Suz have created their very own detox guide, which helps reinvent and redesign your lifestyle from every perspective- not just the way you look! Through their 21-Day Detox Guide, they aim to help you change your mindset and feel fantastic- inside and out! Head to to find out more!
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“Do your practice and all is coming.” ~ Sri K Patthabi Jois | Happy Monday everyone!
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Merry Christmas from all of us at Peak Physique HQ! Let the festivities begin!
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Becoming a qualified Hot Yoga teacher opens up many exciting lifestyle, teaching and business opportunities. Join us in 2017 & enjoy the benefits as a Peak Physique Hot Yoga Instructor: For more information please click here:
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Peak Physique Hot Yoga has seven locations across Australia, with more on the way. So why not pick the location that is most convenient for you, and experience yoga the Peak Physique Hot Yoga way! Find out which location is closest to you here: