101 Feeding School
101 FeedingSchool is an online based clinic for parents of children who have difficulties transition to table food, have aversion or are picky/fussy eaters
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101 Feeding School webpage went live on 23rd December 2016. Thank you NothingButWeb. Check it out at www.101feedingschool.com.
101 Feeding School will open its doors in January 2017
101 Feeding School's cover photo
The path to teach my daughter the oral motor skills she needed to transition to table food and overcome food aversion she developed due to her medical history and undiagnosed Cows milk protein intolerance was a very challenging one. I feel that I have so much knowledge to pass on and share with any parent who finds themselves in a similar situation, whether their child feeding difficulties are due to a medical condition, anxiety or fear due to past negative experience, learned behaviours or undiagnosed food allergy or intolerance and this is how 101 Feeding School was created.