Level & Spade Earthmoving
Laser Grading, Laser Leveling, Site Preparation, Earthmoving, Narrow Access, Terex PT 30 Track Loader. Tipper Truck
Storm Damage, Vegetation management
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facebook.comHappy #boomsupfriday Beer n Medals at days end! 😃🍺🏅
Gold mix bitumen, something a bit different for us, but we got it done and the finish looked great, Pearl Beach NSW
Added another piece of kit to our range of services provided Auger for pier holes, landscapers retaining walls, concreter.
Took s bit of work to get this embankment back into shape, just need some rain to water in.
Gear loaded, reindeer’s watered and fed, comms checked, nav lights and flight plan confirmed, see you all soon. Merry Xmas to all, from Level and Spade Earthworks
Way too busy! 1000 square meters of turf, removed, irrigation installed, topsoil and new Sir Walter and that's just some of what we've been up too.
Out with the old in with the new, been a busy few days and we're only half way. 42 dog on site today.....Ho Hum
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Booms up Friday! 🍺🍺🍺 #boomsupfriday
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Digging Holes and Kicking Goals, plumbers assistant trenching and absorption pit. Monin Edwards's Plumbing
Another lawn ready for Xmas..... Please don't leave it so long b/f the next cut. 😃👍