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CrossFit Might

4/29-39 Business Drive, Narangba, Australia
Recreation & Fitness



CrossFit Might is North Brisbane's newest CrossFit Box with classes catering for the beginner to the advanced.  Here at CrossFit Might we have a supportive community with fully trained coaches who will guide you on your CrossFit journey. If you are looking at trying CrossFit or just want to get back into training then CrossFit Might is for you. With no contract foundation memberships available now contact us for more details!

If you think you can't do CrossFit think about this - can you sit, can you stand, can you pick up things from the floor? The answer is yes and these are movements you are already doing on a daily basis. At CrossFit Might we just help you to move better!

1 a: the power, authority, or resources wielded by an individual or group
   b: bodily strength: power, energy or intensity of which one is capable

LIKE us to find out more or visit our website!


Mighty Teens hitting PBs on their deadlifts today! Well done guys - ring that bell!! #themightmovement #pb #crossfitmight #crossfitkids #fitkids

Mighty Teens hitting PBs on their deadlifts today! Well done guys - ring that bell!!

#themightmovement #pb #crossfitmight #crossfitkids #fitkids

Inbody Scan

Inbody Scan

When: Sundays 7:30am Where: CrossFit Might What: Hero WOD Some of our Mighty Wodsters working through our weekly Hero WOD yesterday. 👍 #themightmovement #mightywodsters #crossfitmight #crossfit #medballclean #herowod

When: Sundays 7:30am
Where: CrossFit Might
What: Hero WOD

Some of our Mighty Wodsters working through our weekly Hero WOD yesterday. đź‘Ť
#themightmovement #mightywodsters #crossfitmight #crossfit #medballclean #herowod

Funday Friday!

Funday Friday!

Brisbane Barbell Club

**ANNOUNCEMENT** Congratulations goes out to one of our members Mia on this huge achievement. After a very solid performance in her last weightlifting meet almost 2 weeks ago she has been selected to represent Australia in the Youth World Championships in Bangkok, April 3-10. We are so proud of you at Might Mia and can't wait to cheer you on come April.

Brisbane Barbell Club

Timeline Photos

What do you do at the box on your rest day? CrossFit Might doesn't only offer CrossFit classes. If you are looking to extend your training, mix it up or just something to keep you moving on a rest day we've got you covered. Circuit, gymnastics, weightlifting, aerial yoga, stretching... Check out our timetable at or message us for more details. First session is free so come in and give us a try!

Timeline Photos

Love love love the determination, smiles and encouragement between our Mini Mights and Mighty Teens! Max height box jumps can get intense and you guys all smashed it. Don't remember those numbers cause next time you'll all go higher!! #themightmovement #crossfitmight #crossfitkids #crossfit #fitkids #confidentkids #maxheightboxjumps #gogetit #youcandoit

Love love love the determination, smiles and encouragement between our Mini Mights and Mighty Teens! Max height box jumps can get intense and you guys all smashed it. Don't remember those numbers cause next time you'll all go higher!! 
#themightmovement #crossfitmight #crossfitkids #crossfit #fitkids #confidentkids #maxheightboxjumps #gogetit #youcandoit

Timeline Photos

I love my gym, my box, my place to workout. I love walking in terrified and walking out accomplished. I love sweating till im soaked, wearing calouses like a badge of honour. And leaving sweat angels on the floor. And man... do i love those people there. #crossfitlife #crossfit #mightfamily #crossfitcommunity #themightmovement #exercise #fitness #heath #healthy #fitspo #strength #happyplace #morethanjustagym

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

An awesome night tonight for our first Friday Night Lights. Awesome atmosphere, great people and just a bloody good time. #crossfitmight #crossfit #crossfitfamily #themightmovement #mightfamily #morethanjustagym #somuchfun #pbs #fridaynightlights #opensprep

Timeline Photos

Friday Night Lights WOD 3

Friday Night Lights WOD 3


NEAR CrossFit Might