Top Local Places

Boronia House Restaurant and Function Centre

624 Military Road, Mosman, Australia



Open seven days for high tea , functions and events Specialising in High Tea seven days a week and nestled in Reservoir Park In leafy Mosman, Boronia House is the perfect locale for relaxed, elegant entertaining. The venue caters to groups of all sizes with private rooms for hire and can also be hired exclusively for functions and weddings


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Merry Christmas everyone! This holiday season Boronia House will be closing on December 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th and January 1st and 2nd. If you are looking to entertain family, friends or even guests from interstate or overseas, the grand old mansion of Mosman will be open and serving high tea from 11.00am until 3.00pm as usual all other days. And if you need that last minute present Boronia House has beautiful gold embossed gift certificates available for purchase which make the perfect gift for that special someone this Christmas. Call us on 9188 5021 and order over the phone and then you can drop by and pick one up business hours. Management and staff alike would like to thank everyone who joined us for high tea this year, and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe, happy and prosperous New Year in 2017.

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Recently we hosted a photo shoot with the beautiful Rachel Finch for Mother & Baby magazine (Australia). Keep an eye out for the January edition on news stands in a few weeks time!

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Weddings at Boronia House - Boronia House

Are you looking for the perfect exclusive venue for your wedding reception? Boronia House can be hired exclusively for your wedding day, including the gardens at the rear of the house for a civil ceremony. For more information have a look at our webpage or call us on 9188 5021

Review: High Tea at Boronia House Sydney « High Tea Society - A community dedicated to High Tea.

Photos from Boronia House Restaurant and Function Centre's post

Are you wondering what to get your nearest and dearest for Christmas this year? Why not put a gift certificate from Boronia House in their stocking?? Shopping is hassle free, just drop us a line on 9188 5021 and provide your card details and we will make the certificate out for whatever value you wish and it will be on it's way to your letterbox that very day.

Photos from Boronia House Restaurant and Function Centre's post

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This week's high tea brings some bright spring colours to your day. If you haven't got plans we still have a few tables available on the verandah to enjoy an al fresco high tea and glass of champagne #hightea #alfresco dining

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Starting on Monday and every weekday from 12.00-2.00pm we will be serving our new 'Local's Lunch' menu. Our executive chef Emmanuel Herrera has created a light summer menu and every meal is available with either a glass of sparkling mineral water, Tyrrells Moore's Creek Semillion Sauvignon Blanc, Sparling NV Brut or Shiraz. Priced at only $25.00 drop in and enjoy al fresco lunch on the verandah with us soon!

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A big thank you to the team at Mamamia, Johnson and Johnson and all the mums and bubs who joined us this morning :)

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Such a beautiful spring morning for a champagne breakfast :)

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Boronia House Restaurant and Function Centre's cover photo

Boronia House Restaurant and Function Centre's cover photo

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Mosman Catering is pleased to announce that following a successful commercial tender for the management and operation of Boronia House we have entered into a ten year leasing agreement with Mosman Council.

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Melbourne Cup High Tea

We are delighted to offer our superb 2016 Melbourne Cup package. Our chefs have created a deluxe savoury high tea with four exquisite mini desserts, a glass of Moet and Chandon on arrival and another to watch the race priced at $100.00 per person. Alternatively graze on a delicious fresh seafood platter piled high with prawns, oysters, salmon, snapper, squid and more also with two glasses of Moet and Chandon for $125.00 per person. Book now to enjoy your cup day in style at Boronia House!

Melbourne Cup High Tea


NEAR Boronia House Restaurant and Function Centre

Chowder Head

Mosman, Australia
Landmark & Historical Place