Fitness n Motion Health Centre
We believe everyone deserves the right to have the best health that they can possibly have. Fitness Centre, Les Mills Group Fitness Classes, Massage and Pain Relief Clinic, Veterans Rehabilitation Programs, Exercise Physiologists and a fun place to be.
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facebook.comNot only do the little kids like to play but so do the big kids!! To try out our ‘playground’ register your details at
Does it get much better than this!! Snickers with the added bonus of 18g protein in it ... pop on in to SWAT Nutrition to get your hands on these :)
Someone say 'SLED PUSH' - Not only will this amazing piece of equipment add variety to your workout - it's great for core and upper body stability, coordination, leg strength and it burns serious calories!! So why not give it a go today. To secure your FREE 7 Day Trial Click the link to register
Recipe of the week ... Chicken Marylands and Salmoriglio - looks delicious and simple to make. Enjoy!
TribeFIT - big thankyou to this inspiring group of ladies who rocked up at 5am and smashed out the TribeFIT workout. Great job ladies. There is stil time to jump on board Season 7 - starts Monday 13/11. To register your interest visit or call the club today on 54282088.
Session 1 of TribeKIDS - we had a blast. These little superstars came with smiles and laughter and great attitudes. As a reward for their hard work they got to play in the ‘Playground’. Check it out ... visit for more info
Well it’s been a great start to our Tribe Team Training week! Check out what our amazing members have been up to in TribeFIT & TribeCORE... to find out more about Tribe check out
***Fitness n Motions–Biggest Ever Promotion*** FNM has it’s BIGGEST ever promotion. Join during this period and pay NO MEMBERSHIP FEES until 2018. Crazy isn’t it!! Next Step…CLICK on the link to secure this offer or pop into the club at 5/85 Michael Ave, Morayfield.
Who would have thought this possible ... Gluten Free Vegan Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches!!
***TRIBE Trial week starts tomorrow*** We are super excited for our Trial week of TribeFIT, TribeCORE & TribeKIDS which kicks off tomorrow. If you haven't already put your name down there are few remaining spots available. For available spot details call reception today on 54282088.
👌🏻You only get out what you put in 👌🏻

Gym time, when she makes me work hard..... 💁🏼💪🏻 @smileyjacinta #gym #time #fitness #health #better #yourself #bestfriend #is #coach #haha #damn #im #sore #jelly #body #workhard #lovingit #fnm #thanks #babe #💪🏻 #dream #body #here #i #come

Solo workout today!! #emptygym

What do you do on Thursdays? How about some grit strength at 9am! . . . . . #Lesmills #fnm #gritstrength #grit #fitness #strength #gym #gymlife #energy #muscles

Holy... HOLE! 😂😂😂 shoot gotta look in the mirror properly before i leave the house next time... lucky i only went to the gym.. n lucky there's 100 stars to distract.. Chest, biceps and abs! Love mondays 😁 . . . . . . #12wbt #12wbtleanandstrong #runningbare #activewear #gym #lift #weighttraining #selfie #gymwear #gymaddict #fitnessjourney #12wbtaugustround #gettingstronger

Everyone loves a little bit of BODYVIVE on Tuesday morning! . . . . . #bodyvive #lesmills #fnm #gym #strength #smarttech #reebok #tubing #muscles

I actually just take photos at the gym

Bringing the shreds this summer

Kangatraining allows mummies to workout while keeping your little ones close. From 6 weeks to 2 years+ #kangatraining #postnatalfitness #keepthemclose #mumsnbubs #babywearing #manduca #letskanga
