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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS• S E L F I E S T A T I O N • What better way to show off our new #selfiestation than with a pic of our AH-MAZING #edenandcohairvipmembership packages!! Thank you to the lovely ladies at @secretsalonsociety for nailing the membership packages & our #selfiestation We LOVE it!! . . . . . . . . . . . . #edenandcohair #edenandcohairvip #edenandcohairvipmembership #selfiestation #edenandcohairselfiestation #cactuslovin #smashinggoals #standingoutfromthecrowd #stayfocused #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #moranbahhairdresser #moranbah #hairgoals #hairdressergoals #seeyousoon
• S U R P R I S E • My bestie & I said 'I do' over the weekend, obviously I have been a little distracted so I do apologise for the delayed messages! Should out to @tahliamillsphotography for her AH-MAZING talent capturing beautiful moments of my little family ❤ . Ayla xx
• C L O S E D • Just a friendly reminder that we will be closed on Friday 1st of sept & Saturday 2nd of sept! I will be busy celebrating our engagement with our closest friends & family so please be patient over the weekend if I do take longer than usual to reply to messages/comments!! Thank you! Ayla ❤
• B L O N D E • 🙌🙌🙌 . . . . . . #edenandcohair #edenandcohairvip #smashinggoals #standingoutfromthecrowd #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #stayfocused #nakhaircare #nakblondes
TODAY 🌵 10 am colour & cut appointment available with Amanda
• B E A U T I F U L blonde • . . . . . . . . . . #edenandcohair #smashinggoals #stayfocused #supportlocal #standingoutfromthecrowd #supportsmallbusiness #nakhaircare #nakhaircareaust #nakhairsalon #nakhaircareproducts #beautifulblonde #cleanblonde #longhair
Purple & red goals!! Winning 🌵 . . . . . . .#edenandcohair #standingoutfromthecrowd #nakhaircare #redhair #purplehair #smashinggoals #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #moranbahhairdresser #moranbah #edenandcohairVIP
Up style appointment available for GARDEN PARTY. 9AM - Call us to secure this appointment. 49 415 614
R E D ❤🌵 . . . . . . . . . . #edenandcohair #nakhaircare #nakaustralia #standingoutfromthecrowd #supportsmallbusiness #moranbahhairdresser #supportlocal #redhead #redhair #longhair