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facebook.comThe 52 to 1 Deck (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Wayne Fox and David Penn has been hailed by leading performers, creators, and scholars in the magic community as the cleanest thought-of card routine EVER! Many effects are possible: You spread the deck clearly, showing that every card is completely different. A spectator thinks of a card. They never tell you their card and yet they cut the deck themselves, right at their chosen card! Available at Magic Universe
Self-Flipping Notepad (DVD and Gimmick) by Victor Sanz. A mentalism effect combined with a very visual and ghostly display! Have your spectator write down the name of a deceased celebrity on your notepad, and use your mind-reading ability to tell them which person's name they wrote down. The spectator is stunned. Then contact that celebrity from beyond the grave, and get this other-wordly entity to flip through the notepad right to their name! The spectator's jaw will drop - be prepared for screams! Available at Magic Universe
Re Box by Rian Lehman is a visual delight that is sure to surprise. An instant deck to box that can be performed at anytime during your routine. Available at Magic Universe
We are proud to present this jaw-dropping effect Holely Change Red (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds Creative Lab. Check out the video link It's a self-contained finale for your card routine that your audience won't forget. Place your spectator's signed card between 2 cards having large holes, so their card can be seen at all times. In the blink of an eye, the back of your spectator's signed card changes colors!
Feel N' Seal Blue (DVD and Gimmick) by Peter Eggink, instantly Re-seal your deck of cards! Right in front of your spectator's eyes and with NO COVER or whatsoever, VISUALLY and MAGICIALLY RE-SEAL your deck of cards! With NO SWITCHES hand over the freshly wrapped deck to your spectator, only for her to confirm it is indeed factory sealed again! Available at Magic Universe'-Seal-Blue-DVD-and-Gimmick-by-Peter-Eggink-DVD?search=feel
mINt (DVD and Gimmick) by Steve Rowe and Big Blind Media, the ultimate anytime, anywhere card to clear box! Steve Rowe's 'MinT' is a killer new card revelation for magicians of any skill level. Make a signed card vanish and reappear inside a transparent mint box, that's been in full view throughout! Just as ideal for formal work as it is for showing your mates in a casual setting, 'MinT' is easy to handle, super clean looking and just about the ultimate card to impossible location! Available at Magic Universe
Take a look at Captive by Jimmy Strange and Merchant of Magic. Imagine having the ability to harness the power of your own mind or even that of your spectator's mind. Well, now this ability is in your hands. Jimmy Strange is proud to present his latest effect, CAPTIVE. With CAPTIVE, you are able to do the impossible. You take the cap off your everyday working Sharpie. Place the cap down on the table or even isolate it under a glass. Then, just by focusing either your mind or the spectator's mind on the cap, something amazing occurs. It will start to move, slide, and then fall over, making anyone who sees this phenomenon jump with amazement. Available at Magic Universe
Check out these playing cards Whispering Imps "Workers Edition" Playing Cards. Designed to be timeless and elegant, the original Whispering Imps® were instantly welcomed by magicians around the world when first introduced in 2013. Since then, they have made their way into the hands of thousands of magicians, card players, cardists, and even network television shows and Hollywood films! Available at Magic Universe
Take a look at this amazing effect The FLY by Marcos Waldemar. THE FLY is a new magical effect in which a fly runs through the cards, finds the chosen card and then... leaves flying! This is an effect that will make everyone remember your show and remind you of the magician who has managed to train, hypnotize, catch... (any presentation you want to give the effect) a real fly. We invite you to try THE FLY anytime, anywhere. You will discover the power of this great illusion. Available at
Have a look at this amazing MAGIKUB by Federico Poeymiro. Do you think you have seen everything regarding a Rubik's Cube? Could you imagine putting the pieces together in just one second? With MAGIKUB, you can do exactly that - solve the puzzle in one second!! In the blink of an eye, each side is a different solid color! Impossible! A great quality magical effect that will leave your audience speechless! Available at
Check out these great new playing cards Cherry Casino V3 True Black Playing Cards by Pure Imagination Projects. Based off vintage Las Vegas casino playing cards, Cherry Casino Playing Cards pays homage to the classics of Sin City. Like Jerry's Nuggets or Wynns, the Cherries back design was designed by Sam Devins to incorporate a simple, symmetrical back, perfect for card games and magic performances alike. Available at Magic Universe