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Hopkins Street Medical Clinic

67 Hopkins Street, Moonah, Australia
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Do you have a history of Asthma? Research shows that people who have a written Asthma Action Plan have better control of their asthma and have fewer asthma attacks. Book an appointment with your GP to discuss your Asthma Action Plan!

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Second-hand smoke is damaging to children and adults who do not smoke and the more they are exposed, the higher the risk of health problems. • Non-smokers exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke increase their risk of lung cancer. • Non-smokers who live with the second-hand smoke of a smoker increase their risk of lung cancer by 20-30%. • Passive smoking can cause premature death in non-smokers. • There is no known safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke. • Second-hand tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals and 69 are known to cause cancer. • Passive smoking substantially increases a person's risk of getting coronary heart disease.

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How much is your smoking addiction actually costing you? The average smoker spends $12.50 per day on a packet of cigarettes so giving up the addiction has the following long term advantages: $87.50 a week: The cost of a nice meal at a good restaurant. $350 a month: The cost of a weekend away or some new clothes. $4,550 a year: The cost of a new lounge suite or top-level private health insurance for a whole family. $22,750 in 5 years: The cost of a holiday for two people to Europe, all expenses paid. $45,500 in 10 years: The cost of a house deposit or a significant mortgage repayment.

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What are the health benefits that occur once a smoker decides to quit? Within 20 minutes: their resting heart rate reduces (a key indicator of your overall fitness level) 12 hours: The carbon monoxide level in their blood reduces dramatically leading to improved oxygen levels in their blood. 2-12 weeks: Their heart attack risk begins to reduce, circulation improves, exercise is much easier and your lung function improves. 1-9 months: Coughing and shortness of breath will decrease. 1 year: Their risk of coronary heart disease is halved compared to a continuing smoker. 5 years: Their risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and oesophagus decreases and their risk of stroke is dramatically reduced. 10 years: Their risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker and their risk of cancers of the bladder, kidney and pancreas also decreases. 15 years: Their risk of coronary heart disease and risk of death fall to about the same as someone who has never smoked.

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Health effects from cigarette smoking: Tobacco smoke from cigarettes contains more than 4,000 chemicals and 69 of those are known to cause cancer. Here is a list of just some of the chemicals you may not have realised were in cigarettes. • Hydrogen Cyanide: A chemical warfare agent • Acetone: A component of nail polish remover • Carbon monoxide: Found in car exhaust fumes • Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT): A toxic pesticide • Ammonia: A cleaner to remove grime • Toluene: A solvent used in industry • Polonium 210: A radioactive agent used to eliminate static electricity in machinery • Methanol: Automotive fuel

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This week we are shining the spotlight on the risks of smoking. Did you know that smoking has detrimental effects on multiple parts of the body? See the below diagram that highlights how dangerous smoking is to your health.

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This week is national Asthma Week. Do you have a history of Asthma? You may need an updated Asthma Action Plan! Research shows that people who have a written Asthma Action Plan; have better control of their asthma, have fewer asthma attacks, are more informed about asthma, are better equipped to recognise deteriorating symptoms and know how to respond appropriately.

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When were you or your family last immunised? The risk of contracting diseases can increase with age, travel and some occupations. Influenza and Pneumococcal vaccines are FREE for people aged 65+ years and Indigenous people aged 50+ years. Book an immunisation appointment today!

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This week is national Diabetes Week. This year Diabetes Australia will be highlighting the tragedy of diabetes-related amputations. Every year, more than 4,400 amputations are carried out as a result of diabetes. 280 Australians develop diabetes every day. What do you need to know?

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This week is Men's Health Week! The aim of this week is to encourage communities across Australia to reach out to men, boys, and their families to promote health and wellbeing through engaging activities, events and promotions. For more information or to get involved please visit

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Do you have a history of Asthma? Research shows that people who have a written Asthma Action Plan have better control of their asthma and have fewer asthma attacks. Book an appointment with your GP to discuss your Asthma Action Plan!

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Today is World Health Day! The main goal of this year's World Health Day is to increase awareness about the rise in diabetes. About 350 million people worldwide have diabetes, a number likely to more than double in the next 20 years. If you're concerned about your health, book an appointment for a Diabetes Check today!

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