An association of former Manly Sea Eagles rugby league players of all grades. We're run by the players for the players, fans and local community causes. The Golden Eagles is a group of past rugby league players who turned out for the Manly Sea Eagles in any grade - not just first grade. And we’re a non-political group created solely for its members.
But, more importantly, we’re all proud supporters of our club and we want you to join with us as we celebrate its greatest legacy - the players, past and present
For more information on the association, visit
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This will be a great day! Please get in touch if you are keen to put a team in, places filling up fast!
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Any keen golfers out there?? Killer has 3-4 spots left on his NZ tour. Some awesome courses and finishing up with watching the Auckland 9's with a Sea eagles legend!
A big few day catching up with a few great blokes and legends of our club.. Michael Robertson, Jamie Lyon and Anthony Watmough. All enjoying retirement!
Welcome to 2017 people! This is going to be a huge year for the Sea eagles and Golden Eagles all kicking off round 1 vs Parramatta! Watch this space for updates on events at the fortress! #goldeneagles #seaeagles #onceaseaeaglealwaysagoldeneagle
RIP George Lenon #100 George played 75 first grade games for the Seaeagles. Another legend soaring high...
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Happy b'day to the Golden Eagle's in season columnist.... Ella Kasmar! 17 yrs old yesterday! Hope you had a great day Ella!
Check out this awesome video for Movember!
Photos from Manly Warringah Golden Eagles Association's post
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing our one of our 1947 Original Sea eagles in Merv Gilmer. Our first ever #6... our thoughts are with his wife Joyce and his family at this time. #RIPmervgilmer #goldeneagles #seaeagles
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We are proud to present our new range of 'Brookvale Original Est 1947' T-shirts. Jump online and check them out. Order now and have them before Christmas.. #goldeneagles #brookvaleoriginals #est1947
Harbord United Devils JRLFC
Golden Eagles giving back to the game at grass roots level. Retired Manly Warringah Sea Eagles legend & captain Jamie Lyon presenting Benny Smith with a Men Of League Foundation award for his recognition of his outstanding service with the Harbord United Devils JRLFC at the Manly Warringah District Junior Rugby League presentation night.
Know My Life
A legend on and off the field!
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Turn on channel 9 right now people and support Golden Eagles member and all round top bloke Matt Nable in 'Hyde & Seek'... Great new Aussie crime drama! #mattnable #goldeneagles