The focus at Moggill State School is always around improvement and 'doing and being our best'. Our community prides itself on our strong school culture. Our school provides education from Prep to Grade 6. The original Moggill State School opened on 12 February, 1866. Moggill State School has an excellent record of achievements in the academic, musical and sporting areas. The current student enrolment is 728, with students from Prep to Year 6.
The focus at Moggill State School is always around improvement and 'doing and being our best'. Our community prides itself on our strong school culture, which provides students with a safe, caring and supportive environment, where students are provided with the best opportunity to learn and be their best. Having pride in our great school is something that students, staff and parent/carers are proud of.
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facebook.comPLAYGROUP - please accept our apologies, Playgroup will not be commencing this Wednesday, 31 January 2018 as previously advertised. We will advise as soon as possible of the new start date.
WELCOME NEW STAFF This year we have a number of new staff members across our school. A special Moggill welcome to the following staff who have joined us: • Mr Mitch Hagger (Music) • Miss Ellen Wickes (Year 4W) • Miss Harriet Ferrier (Year 1F) • Mrs Ebony Gough (Year 1G) • Mrs Christine Gourlay (Year 2G) • Mr John Grainer (Instrumental Music) • Welcome back to Mrs Genevieve Hearson who has been on leave (Year 2E) • Mr Ross Hill will be in the role of Acting Deputy Principal until Mr Paul Niner returns from leave.
WHAT'S ON - WEEK 2: Monday, 29 January: Assembly (whole of school [excluding Preps]) 2.30pm Uniform Shop Open 2.30pm to 3.30pm Garden Club 8.15am (Years 3-6) Tuesday, 30 January: Class Information Sessions Garden Club 2nd Break (Years 3-6) Wednesday, 31 January: Tuckshop Open Class Information Active School Travel Garden Club 8.15am (Years 3-6) Thursday, 1 February: Uniform Shop Open 8am to 9.30am Tuckshop Open Class Information Sessions School Banking resumes Friday, 2 February: Tuckshop Open Class Information Sessions
REMINDER: Moggill SS will be closed Friday, 26 January for the Australia Day Public Holiday.
Parent Information Sessions for year levels will be held next week in the classroom (unless otherwise noted). * Please note a change to the Prep/IM class time only (Mrs Mills).
SCHOOL COMMUNICATION - Moggill SS uses a variety of communication tools to keep you in the loop with what is happening. Our school newsletter is emailed each Wednesday afternoon. If you are not receiving a copy and wish to do so, please contact the Admin Team.
Active School Travel resumes this Wednesday, 24 January. Meet time 8.15am at one of three locations: Cnr Kangaroo Gully Rd & Montanus Rd; Westaway Park; Moggill Rd (near thr walkway to Catalina St). Walk, ride or scooter!
Tuckshop is open this Wednesday and Thursday - order online at (remember to select your child's class for 2018!). To open a new account please use the following codes: school ID: moggillss / password: munch4070. NOTE: prep students cannot order tuckshop until Term 2 to assist with the settling in process.
Our Tuckshop is run by two Convenors and a wonderful supportive group of volunteer parents. Without volunteer support, our Tuckshop may not be able to provide the meals to our children on a weekly basis. This Wednesday, 24 January - Tuckshop is in need of volunteers. If you are able to assist (even if only for half an hour) to help prepare the food eg: cut up fruit or make sandwiches, label bags or drinks, please see Mia Minnie on Wednesday or contact via email: Thank you!
Thank you to the community garden forum for supporting our school vegetable patch. A new non dig vegetable bed has been built.
There will be no assembly for Week 1. Assembly for this year will be divided into a Junior (Prep to Year 3) and Senior (Year 4 to Year 6) assemblies. More information relating to these changes will be provided next week.
Tomorrow school resumes for 2018! Who is ready for Term 1? Comment below using an emoji to share how you are feeling.