Ex-OPA Family and Friends Australia
We are a community of passionate, CHRIST-focussed believers desiring to spread the love of GOD to people around us.
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With deep regret we inform the demise of our beloved OPA Pastor Joseph K. Mathew. He was vibrant, energetic and passionate about the kingdom. His songs touched many lives across the world. We miss you Pastor and shall see you on the other shore.
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Thank you Rev William Lee for an awesome Word today. Thank you for talking into our lives and reminding us of how to seize our blessings. #greaterthingsyettocome
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"You dont have to die in the wilderness, you can thrive in it" Ps William Lee preaching a great WORD at Revival conference Come along @6:30pm tomm too to hear from this great man of GOD
Ex-OPA Family and Friends Australia
It is our great pleasure to invite your family and yourself for the convention with Ps William Lee on 9,10 April in Dandenong Baptist Church..please find attached the flier for details..preaching will be in English with malayalam translation. There will be a special session for young adults on saturday 10am -12 pm at the same venue.please bring your friends too...God bless you.
പെന്തക്കൊസ്തല് അസംബ്ലി മസ്ക്കറ്റ് (OPA) നു പുതിയ ഭരണസമിതി
Photos from Ex-OPA Family and Friends Australia's post
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Gear up Melbourne for REVIVAL 2016.