Ph. 9338 9075
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facebook.comA beautiful surprise on my reception desk this morning!!! Certainly took the sting out of Monday morning 😁
Nouveau Dental has had a record number of patients seeking teeth whitening in the last month! Join the many patients who are seeking a brighter, whiter smile for the start of Spring. Ask us about aesthetic improvements to your smile at your next appointment.
What a nice surprise! Drs Harry and Chantelle Sewgoolam were grateful to receive this gift today from the ADIA, after their students all passed their Intro to Dentistry course this year. 100% pass rate, we are very pleased with that and wish them very satisfying careers in dentistry
Sensitive teeth? There are many reasons a person may experience tooth sensitivity. For many of them, the solution can be less involved than they think and not invasive. A simple change to daily oral hygiene habits, choice of products and application of topical agents can go a long way to alleviating annoying symptoms and preventing future problems with good education. If you have any issues with sensitive teeth, mention it to us at your next routine appointment.🤔
Smiles count for so much! They are a passive asset that we take with us and benefit us every single day. Are you happy with your smile? Life is too short to not be smiling at your best. Ask our concierge for a consultation to discuss how to be smiling at your best on 9338 9075
February is here already! Nouveau Dental welcomes you back for 2017. Enjoy our sensory delights as part of your ethereal dental experience.
Nouveau Dental will re-open on January 17th 2017. We wish you all a safe and joyous festive season and thank you for your support!
Research shows that a vast number of young mothers have chronic facial pain or jaw joint dysfunction. Do you notice tighteness in your jaw, wearing down of your teeth or regular temporal headaches and pain? You may have Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. Make sure you mention it at your next appointment, we may be able to help. Call (03) 9338 9075
Have you thought about braces? Put off by the long times and costs? Ask us about Fastbraces which can be your dream come true about straightening teeth. Call (03) 93389075 and ask us about a consultation for patients 15 years and older.
Time sure flies! Are you due your 6 monthly check up and clean? Take some time out of the cold and duck into the warmth and opulence of Nouveau Dental for your regular preventive visit. Contact our concierge on 9338 9075 to schedule an appointment
School is re-starting for 2016! Nouveau Dental wishes all its new Grade Preps a wonderful start to their scholastic life. Here are some dietary tips for keeping them smiling every day and making good dietary habits for the rest of their lives. 6-12 monthly check ups are essential to monitoring good facial and dental development and dental health