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207 Barkers Road, Melbourne, Australia
High School



Methodist Ladies' College (MLC) in Melbourne is one of Australia’s leading independent girls’ schools. MLC is one of Australia’s leading independent girls’ schools, internationally renowned for its extensive curriculum choice, cutting edge approach to education, varied learning experiences and outstanding academic results.

Founded in 1882 and with a proud history of educational innovation and academic excellence, MLC delivers a world-class education to students from all over Melbourne, across Australia and around the world.

As an open-entry school our over-arching goal is to nurture and develop each student in our care, so that she leaves us with the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to be a world-ready woman in today’s globalised era.


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Our Senior Prefect Thanushi is off to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston to participate in the Research Science Institute's prestigious science and engineer research program - she is one of only 80 students accepted to attend worldwide! Read more in this article, published in today's Herald Sun. We look forward to hearing about this amazing experience when Thanushi returns in August!

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Hatted-restaurant dining served up by students | News | MLC

Ever wanted to eat at Fitzroy's Huxtable but never got the chance? Then don't miss our next Guest Chef lunch at the Terrace Restaurant on Thursday, 18 May! We look forward to welcoming back chef and founder of Huxtable (and Huxtaburger!), Daniel Wilson, who will be working with our Year 12 Hospitality students to serve up an amazing five-course lunch. As these lunches have been very popular, bookings are essential! More details can be found in the article link below.

Your Physical Health Might Be The Key To A Successful Career

At MLC we recognise the importance and positive effect that exercise plays for our students' wellbeing. Click on the link below to hear Old Collegian Davida Forshaw (1980), esteemed pilot at QANTAS, explain how her habitual running has benefited her career, social life and general wellbeing. Davida will also be a guest speaker at MLC's Women of Influence Brunch, click here to book (open for Years 5 - 12 and parents):

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All MLC students from Year 5 - 12 and parents are invited to the 2017 Women of Influence Brunch! This very special event is an amazing opportunity to share brunch and a round table conversation with a remarkable women and to meet many more inspiring members of our community. Bookings are essential and are closing soon:

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AFL Victoria

The GSV AFL season has begun, we'll update in coming days with some incredible Round 1 results. What a great photo! 🏉

AFL Victoria

MLC rowers making waves | News | MLC

After an amazing rowing season, we are thrilled that three of our students, Pheobe Georgakas, Sophie Balson and Ruby Gioulekas, have been selected for the Australian Junior Women’s Eight, with the Junior World Championships held in Lithuania in August. Click below to read about all of our rowers' amazing achievements this year, as well as our rowing Flickr album.

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Tintern Horse Trials today - like the poster says, go MLC!

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2017 Inter-School Horse Trials Championship at Wandin Park

We are excited to announce that three MLC Equestrian teams will be officially competing for the first time at the Tintern Grammar 2017 Inter-School Horse Trials Championship at Wandin Park this weekend. Saturday, 29 April, 9 am - 4 pm Sunday, 30 April, 9 am - 4 pm Come and support the MLC Equestrian team at the first competition for our season!

MLC’s VCE achievers receive top awards | News | MLC

Congratulations to the eight students from the Class of 2016 who were today awarded twelve Premier’s VCE Awards at a ceremony at the Crown Palladium. These prestigious awards recognise students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their VCE subjects. To have eight Old Collegians as recipients from a single year level is outstanding and even more impressive is that MLC was represented across such a broad range of disciplines. Amazing job, girls!

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Year 7F observed the ANZAC Dawn Service at Paynesville this morning as part of their MLC Banksia experience. Students were amazing; receptive, thoughtful and respectful. Student's laid a wreath of wildflowers at the cenotaph with the following message: For the Servicemen and Servicewomen, Past and present, With courage and self-sacrifice for our freedom, Lest we forget Thanks to all students and staff involved - all terrific representatives of the College. Nick McConachy, Director of MLC Banksia

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Join the MLC Marching Band tomorrow from 9 am for the Anzac Day Parade as they march to the Shrine of Rememberance in honour of the Anzacs #MLCmarchingband

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Ashleigh (Year 11) is this week's MLC Human of the Week! She competed in a grueling 19km race at the Australian Canoe Marathon Championships with a debilitating flu. She was given the option to not race but Ashleigh, demonstrating a great example of strength, grit and determination, powered through. Her enthusiasm and fortitude in the face of all her challenges really motivated and inspired the rest of the MLC team. Her support for her team mates also didn’t waver, cheering as loud as she could for her team members. Congratulations Ashleigh!

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