Goldfields Children's Services
Goldfields Children's Services incorporating Goldfields Children's Centre, Family day Care, Outside School Hours Care and Supported Playgroup Goldfields Children's Services manages the Goldfields Children's Centre, Central Goldfields Shire Family Day Care Scheme, Outside School Hours Care - incorporating After School Care and Vacation Care and Supported Playgroup.
Every Child is important. Every child is unique. every child is an individual.
We encourage all children's individual potential, providing them with opportunities to learn develop in a fun and educational environment.
We believe that for optimal growth and development, all children need to be in an environment where they live and learn together with others, where they are safe to explore and extend their idea, knowledge and curiosity, with a wide range of open-ended play areas to choose from.
We, at Central Goldfields Shire Family Day Care Scheme will endeavour for
• All children and families to experience belonging to and with our scheme
• All children and families to simply be. Being recognises the significance of the here and now in our lives. It is about knowing ourselves, building and maintaining relationships with others, engaging with life’s joys and complexities and meeting challenges in everyday life.
• All children to become confident and involved learners
The Central Goldfields OSHC will, through its qualified educators, provide care and activities which are appropriate for primary school aged children, respecting their needs, and the need for positive interaction amongst the group.
We value the importance of middle childhood and the value of play and recognise them as unique with each child having different needs, interests, and abilities.
.We aim to provide opportunities to enhance and support the developmental needs of all children and to provide a safe, happy and relaxed atmosphere that is inclusive of all children.
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Now that we are an integrated service we are in search of a new name. We would love some suggestions from you all. Please put your ideas in comments below. Thank you.
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Goldfields Children's Services
Just a reminder to all our families that this Friday 23rd December the centre will be closing at 12:00pm. We will re-open on Tuesday 10th January 2017 at 6:45am. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2017. 🌲🎅 For all our families who are not returning next year, we wish you all the very best and for those returning, we look forward to seeing you soon.
The winner of the Family Day Care Christmas Hamper is KERRYN DIX (Axel, Ruby, Alexis & Zaiden Benson) A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL THE FAMILIES THAT DONATED ITEMS
PLEASE NOTE: The Family Day Care Christmas party on Friday 16th December was being held at the Station Domain Playground but due to unforeseen circumstances it has been relocated to THE PLAYGROUP SHED. Please call Karlye or Cass on 5461 5047 if you have any questions.
Goldfields Children's Services
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Just a reminder that our Children's Christmas party is on tomorrow night. If you haven't RSVP'd please do so no later than Tuesday afternoon. This is so we can organise to have enough gifts from Santa. Santa will arrive at approximately 7:30pm.
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It's that time again. Join us for a fun night. Santa will be making an appearance with a gift for the children. Please RSVP to the office by the date indicated below.
The Children's Centre car park in Napier Street will be accessible to our families for the next three days. This is for drop off and pick up only.
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Disco fun for the children and a yummy bake sale in the foyer. All proceeds raised will be donated to our friend Emily in the Opals room.