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MISS Z - Zemma Hope Fitness Model/PT

, Maroochydore, Australia
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Energetic, Positive, Sunshine Coast Based PT, Flush Fitness Ambassador, with a passion for changing peoples lives through education, nutrition & training. BACKGROUND: I have been in the fitness industry now for eight years, in this time I have worked in all areas, from business to management to sales, marketing, classes and PT. I started from a home studio, followed by a bigger studio with four trainers and for next 20 months my business partner and I set up and successfully ran our first full Gym. We then bought Caloundra SNAP, with my passion being in Personal Training, focused on this facet of the club, investing in our great team of 10 PTs.  I have decided to move on to other investment opportunities and focus fully on training myself and others so am excited to be at Kawana Snap and be a full time trainer! I am blessed to have a successful business and career I absolutely love, we are expanding into food soon....think Paleo....Raw schools....recipe books and so much more! I come from a creative background, I have illustrated and published a children’s novel, sold my artwork in numerous galleries across the state, done clothing design for LKI and Zoriah, Graphic art for numerous companies, was visual merchandise manager for Pillow Talk for years and a few large scale murals around the coast.

SPECIALISING IN: I specialize in womens health and fitness, pre and post pregnancy, pilates, fitball, group exercise, bootcamps and boxing. My creative flair comes into my training sessions where no two sessions will ever be the same, with such a diverse background my repertoire of exercises is extensive. My clients have had fantastic results in weightloss, toning, spine curvature and have almost eliminated back pain in all clients through extensive core training .

FAV THINGS: Food –  I love quality food, trying different things. I have a passion for nutrition and cooking, always brining in raw snack and treats for clients. Working on Miss Z's Kitchen as we speak.....exciting things to come....:) YUM!  Exercise – abs, abs, abs! Weight training and pilates Quote – If you have nothing else in the world you always have choice, be the leader of your destiny.

3 THINGS I COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT: My Loving Family, My gorgeous husband Matt and dog Indi, My beautiful Friends, my ability to workout and be creative and express myself
