We are a community of yoga/meditation teachers and health/wellness professionals offering a variety of classes, treatments, and venue hire in Manly.
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facebook.comHi guys. We want to inform you that momentarily Yoga Collective Manly is officially CLOSED. We do not know when we'll open our doors again. But meanwhile, we want to take the opportunity to thank the family that were part of this beautiful project of Yoga Collective, all our students and teachers. We hope to give you some news through our social networks very soon. Thank you. ❤️🌻 🙏Namaste
The Yoga Collective Manly website is currently offline, hopefully it will be live soon. However, the timetable can be accessed and classes booked via MINDBODY :
Golden Path Guided Visualisations
✨❤️Arise to Joy in June ~ join Janelle for some tranquility, Guided Visualisation meditations ✨~ $20pp book online @
Golden Path Guided Visualisations
Re-discover your inner blue sky ~ join Janelle for a Guided Visualisation 3pm Sunday 29 May in the meditation room ~ $20pp book online @ ✨✨
Good morning folks! I hope today is flowing smoothly for you all. @movementwithsam hosts regular movement classes @yogacollectivemanly - a fun mixture of skill based play and strength building practice. For timetable please visit :D take care! #yoga #yogacollectivemanly #agoodlife #manly #manlybeach # movement #movementculture #calisthenics #play #smiles4miles
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'YOGA FOR KIDS & TEENS' Our 'Yoga for Kids' Classes are designed to introduce yoga at an early age in a playful, educational and fun way to provide children of all ages with a strong physical, mental and emotional foundation that lasts for their entire life. The Kids classes consist of Yoga for yogis, breathing exercises, relaxations, guided visualisations, massage, reading, stories, music, creative arts and yoga games, whilst working therapeutically with little growing and developing bodies. The classes are designed to make a difference and have lasting impact, while at the same time capturing the childrens attention in a meaningfull, entertaining and educational manner. Every class is a learning experience in which children gain the tools to build, develop, and maintain a healthy body and happy mind. We have classes available for agegroups, 3 - 5 - Y Olds 5 - 8 - Y Olds 9 - 12 - Y Olds - Teen Yoga - Teen Girls Specific - Sporty Kids Specific - Special Mums & Bubs Classes available where Parents are free to bring in babies & tots and enjoy an adult style class. Kids can rest, Play, Join in or just enjoy the studio space! - - NEW TIMETABLE ONLINE! -
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'Yoga for Surfers' Class on Thursdays @ 6.15pm! Surfers on all levels will benefit from this 1 hour class - exercises to improve strength and movement range, improved flexibility and Pranayama techniques for breath control. As a surfer of 30 years himself, Ricardo will teach techniques on the mat that can be directly applied in the water!
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Yin & Yoga Nidra Class on every Sunday evening at 6.00 PM A Beautifull restorative class to recharge and Unwind. "Yoga Nidra translates as Yogic Sleep. But that doesn’t mean grabbing a power nap on your yoga mat. Yoga Nidra is a guided relaxation that allows the body to rest as if in deep sleep, while the mind remains alert and awake. Since ancient times, yogis have used this practice to purify Samskaras, the deep impressions (or unconscious memories) that are the driving force behind Karma (the law of cause and effect). Today it continues to prove its value as a relatively effortless, efficient and safe tool for achieving deep relaxation, calmness and clarity through the different levels of the body and mind. Join Lucie for yin yoga and Yoga Nidra on Sundays at 6pm." Join Lee-anne on Tuesday evenings for a Vinyasa Class followed by Yoga Nidra at 7.30 PM. #Makethemostofsunday
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- NEW - Sunday the 15th we will hold our first AcroYoga Workshop in our Manly studio! The Theme of this sunday's workshop will be Foundations. This Workshop will introduce the foundations of Acro Yoga with a variety of postures, transitions, and flow sequences. An Inspiring and fun way of developing strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and team work. The 2 hour session will include a Vinyasa Flow / dynamic warm up, partner conditioning, acrobatic techniques (broken down into easy to learn steps) flexibility training and well deserved cool downs of partner stretching and Thai massage; taught to you by a qualified teacher, helping you to develop a safe, supportive and stimulating practice. Connection, trust and playfulness come to the forefront of the experience as you learn proper physical technique—giving you the tools to fly and (give flight to others!) You can expect to laugh, meet new people and surprise yourself with what you can do. All levels are welcome; no experience with AcroYoga required! Partners are not necessary, Dress as you normally would for a yoga class. $ 40 ( Includes Tea & Snack ) $ 60 Special Offer for Couples! Intro Offer: Join our sunday Workshop and recieve a free Acrovinyasa class during the week at our Studio to continue & improve your practice!
Chopra Center Meditation
✨✨Join Janelle for a Guided Visualisation meditation workshop ~ relax, let go and receive feedback on dissolving joy inhibiting 'impurities'. 10am Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Yoga Collective Manly, also some Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Check the timetable online for bookings. ✨✨
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Ricardo Will teach a Yoga for surfers / pranayama class tonight at 18.15, Followed by a heated Vinyasa class with guided meditation at 20.15 The ancient practice of yoga has grown deep roots in the surfing community. Both physical and spiritual, surf and yoga work together to help a surfer achieve a clearer mind and a stronger body. Surfers need deep focus and optimum fitness to attain their in-water goals. Big wave riders make good examples of this, requiring great mental skills to overcome fear; along with very fast physical responses. Ricardo's yoga for surfers classes can provide these things, with emphases on focus, confidence, balance, energy, endurance, vitality, flexibility, longevity and, ultimately, performance.
AcroYoga Classes & Workshops Coming to our Manly studio very soon! AcroYoga blends the wisdom of yoga, the dynamic power of acrobatics, and the loving kindness of healing arts into a playfull and exciting experience!